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Templafy Public API V3

This article contains the release notes for the third stable version of Templafy Public API.

Released to Stable in September 2024

The following endpoints and related functionality were delivered as a part of the third stable version.


  • GET endpoint returns all existing active spaces. The identifier of a retrieved space can be used later to query the libraries.

Improvements released December 2024

We now return additional information if the DELETE APIs on data sources fail. For the APIs below, we return status code 423 to indicate that the resource is locked and cannot be deleted. In addition we return the lock reason, which can be restrictedAccess or hardDependency. The reason restrictedAccess means that either the data source is a system data source and cannot be deleted, or the system has locked the resource temporary to take an action. If the reason is hardDependency we return a limited list of the resources that are depending on the resource and therefore, prevent the resource from being deleted.

  • DELETE /data-sources/{dataSourceId}/fields/{fieldId}
  • DELETE /data-sources/{dataSourceId}/items/{itemId}/fields/{fieldId}
  • DELETE /data-sources/{dataSourceId}/items/{itemId}
  • DELETE /data-sources/{id}
release notes API
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