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Asset Expiration Date (Limited Release)

In the asset management interface, owners/admins can set, manage, and track expiration dates, ensuring outdated assets are flagged.


Within the Libraries section of the Admin Center, the asset management interface shows a breakdown of assets of a particular type.

  • The Expires column shows if an Expiration date has been set on an asset. Once the expiration date is reached, the asset will be flagged in red in the asset management interface for owners/admins to take action.
  • The Last modified column illustrates when the last update occurred on a specific asset.
  • Filters can also be utilized on either of these columns to narrow down specific assets.


Expiration date changes can be tracked within the History tab of a given asset.

An email notification will be sent to all space owners every 4 weeks on Monday, starting on December 30, that includes a breakdown of assets expiring within the next 30 days. Below is a shell example of such notification.

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