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Lock and push updates for slides (Validator)

About this article

This article will explain what Validator is and how to enable it. With the Validator function slides can be locked for editing for the end-user to ensure admins gain control over specific slide content. If these locked slides are updated by the admin, the changes can be pushed to presentations locally saved by the end-user. 





What is Validator?

With Validator admins can keep specific slides locked for editing by the end-user so that the content can only be altered if a change is made by the admin. This helps to ensure information stays accurate and up to date. If changes are made to locked slides, a pop-up will prompt the end-user to accept the changes and update their version of the presentation. 


How to use Validator?

Validator can be enabled on slides by using the checkbox called lock and push updates under the slides tab in the presentation and slides library. 

  1. Go into the presentation or slides library.
  2. Select an asset. 
  3. Navigate to the slides tab. 
  4. Enable the lock and push updates checkbox on the desired slides. 
  5. Click save.



How to update slides enabled for Validator?

  1. In the admin center, go into the presentation or slides library.
  2. Select the asset you would like to update.
  3. Download the asset and make your edits in PowerPoint.
  4. Save the updated asset. 
  5. Replace the asset in the admin center.

Next time the end-user will open a previous version of that presentation they will be prompted to implement these changes. Keep in mind that the previews of the presentation must be generated in the admin center before the end-user can receive the pop-up. 


  • Validator functionality is not retroactive. From an end user perspective, slides will only be updated via Validator functionality if the slide has already been enabled for validator in the Admin center.
  • Validator only recognizes edits made to the slide content and does not apply to edits made in slide master/ layouts. 
  • Validator will trigger a pop-up for the end-user for updated slides only in previously created presentations.
  • Added, deleted or disabled slides will not be triggering a pop-up in previously created presentations.
  • Validator can only be enabled for static content or dynamic insertion of slides. 
  • Validator is only available for PC (does not work for Macs, Office Online, or Google Workspace). 



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