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What is Engage?

About this article

This article will explain what Engage is, how to access it in a browser and how to use it from the Templafy Library in Microsoft Office programs or through the WebApp.



  • This is an end-user guide, if you don't have Engage in your document creation flow in Office applications or the WebApp, please reach out to your admin. 
  • Works on Microsoft Office for PC, Office Online and Mac with the Templafy VSTO/Web add-ins
  • Engage works as a stand-alone web page as well


What is Engage?

Engage is a part of the Templafy platform and will allow you to securely share documents with recipients. The Engage module will enable you to increase the interaction with the recipients as well getting insights such as tracking performance and engagement analytics. Engage can be accessed through its web page or through Templafy Library. 


How to access Engage in the browser?

Engage can be accessed from all browsers, go to:

Please go to the support article: Accessing Engage in the browser to read more about Engage web page. 


How to use Engage from the Templafy Library?

Engage is also accessible from the Templafy Library, within Microsoft Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel) or through the WebApp, and allows you to share your document directly from there.

Please go to the support article: Using Engage from Templafy Library to read more about how to use Engage from the Templafy Library. 


  • PDF technology powered by Apryse™ and distributed by Templafy ApS under license. All rights reserved. 


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