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Uploading and sharing documents

About this article

In this article, we will explain how to upload documents to your Engage web page and share documents with recipients. 




Uploading documents

  1. Go to Engage in the web browser
  2. Click on the Share tab and start your upload from here
  3. As shown on the screenshot below, drag a file or select one from your computer






Page preview of uploads

When a document has been selected or dragged in, a page preview is generated on the left side. When preview generation is completed, the document is ready for the next steps in the process. The preview generation is confirmed with a Document ready status, like seen in the example below:





  • Depending on the size of the uploaded file, generating a preview and preparing a document may take several seconds or minutes, but you can continue the flow while it's preparing.


Document title

By default, Engage fetches the title from your document. 

If you want to edit the title of the document, you can do so by typing a different name in the text field under Document title, before you click Next. The document title will be visible to recipients. 


Document settings and annotations

At any point of time during the sharing flow, the settings and annotation will be accessible at the bottom of the page. These options will allow you to restrict the audience of the document, change the expiration date, allow for print/download, and other options, as well as add annotations to it prior to sharing it with participants




Sharing document

To share a document with recipients you will go through these 2 steps: :

  1. Share documents as a team or as yourself
  2. Choose how to share the document: 
    1. Add participants: Share the document via Email
    2. Copy link: Get a sharable link


Share the document as a team

This function allows document authors to share document insights as a team, and to share document insights with all team members.




Share the document via Email

When sharing a document with specific participants, this will allow you to have an overview of their individual interactions with the document through Engage Insights.

  1.  Type in the first recipient's email address in the text field.
    Engage will suggest the users that are part of your tenant as you type. You can add multiple participants: after a participant is selected, another line appears to add other participants
  2. Optionally, edit the recipient-specific options
    • The participant role (highlighted in red): 
      • Comment: the participant can comment and interact with the document
      • View: the participant can only view the document
    • Private message (highlighted in green): 
      • Include a private message to the email to the participant by clicking on the message icon


  3. Additionally, you can
    • Add a subject line to the email received by the participant (highlighted in red)
    • Add a message to all recipients  (highlighted in green)

  4. Click Send
  5. After you've hit Send, your document will be sent to the recipients and also uploaded to Manage documents in the Sent section

You can also share with more recipients after the document has been shared already: Share with others


Get a sharable link

Copy link will allow you to share a link to this document, instead of entering specific email addresses, you will get an overview of the activities performed on the document but all recipients will be shown as "Guest" in Engage Insights.

  1. Click on Copy link 
  2. Optionally, edit the role 
    1. Comment: anyone with the link can comment and interact with the document
    2. View: anyone with the link can view the document
  3. Click Copy link
  4. Paste the link wherever you need to share the link to the document.
  5. After you've hit Copy link, your document will be uploaded to the Manage documents in the Sent section




  • Bear in mind, that when sharing a link to Anyone / Anyone with a password, you will not get an overview of activities from the individual recipients in Engage Insights. All recipients will show up as Guest
  • The “Send as” flow and the “Edit Team” button will not be shown if the customer authentication method is SAML2 or Email Authentication.
  • "Send as” flow will not be shown if the capability isn’t supported in the customer environment (SAML2 or Email Authentication)



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