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How to enable and use with in-template custom colors

This article explains what in-template custom colors are and how to enable and use them through the Productivity tab in the Admin Center. 


  • ProductivityPlus module enabled.
  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • Custom Colors included in the PowerPoint template

In-template custom color

In-template custom colors are custom colors already defined in a PowerPoint template.

Enabling referencing to in-template custom colors will allow you to create custom colors to show up in the colors pane based on the custom colors already existing on a template. Once enabled, a new checkbox will be triggered the color creation process.  that will allow you to enter the name of the custom color to add. Enabling this setting and creating referenced custom colors will make the custom colors in the color pane template-dependent.

Example: My company template has custom colors and I created the referenced custom colors in Admin Center:

  • I open my company template: I see the referenced custom colors in the colors pane.
  • I open my customer template: I do not see the referenced custom colors in the colors pane (custom color name does not exist in the customer template).


How to enable referencing to in-template custom colors

  1. Go to the Productivity tab of Admin Center.
  2. Go to More options.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Enable the checkbox Enable referencing to in-template custom colors.
  5. Click Save.


By default, this setting is disabled.

How to use referencing to in-template custom colors

  1. Once the setting has been activated.
  2. Click on New color.
  3. The Name must be exactly the same as the name of the color inside the template.
  4. Enable the checkbox Enable referencing to in-template custom colors.
  5. Click Confirm.




Any changes made to the colors must be published to be reflected to the end-users.


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