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Stable Email Signature VSTO add-in

About this article

This article contains the release notes for the Stable release plan on Templafy Hive.


Technical information

  • Latest Stable Email signature add-in version on Templafy Hive:9.20.0


Released to Stable on December 3, 2024



EmailSignatureVstoAddIns: Synchronize sources and translations from Crowdin

Pulled new translation and source string from Crowdin



CommandBars COM reference is not released on Dispose

Improve logging and fix the CommandBars COM reference lifetime

Released to Stable on September 19, 2024


This version focuses on improving performance, without any updates to product features or bug fixes.


Released to Stable on September 9, 2024




VSTO does not show the message if we fail to update the signatures and it returns the old signatures in the "Edit signature" dialog.

Currently, when updating users' signatures in VSTO, we are not always showing the correct error if there is an error with generating signatures.
In this release, this issue is fixed and we always show the error message if getting the new signatures fails.

Released to Stable on July 30, 2024


This version focuses on improving performance, without any updates to product features or bug fixes.


Released to Stable on July 16, 2024



Update the onboarding logic

Synchronize signatures before showing the onboarding flow


Released to Stable on July 2, 2024




Selected user profile does not always reflect the inserted signature

Make UserProfile selection scoped to the specific Email object

Released to Stable on June 18, 2024




Add-in can cause Outlook to crash when API is not responding

Catch initialization errors to prevent Outlook crashes

Released to Stable on May 7, 2024



Add VSTO tracking for closing the edit flow

Add tracking of VstoEditSignaturesFlowAbandonedEvent to the onboarding dialog.



Two notifications are shown for one message in VSTO


In case we have updated the default signatures in the registry and updated the signatures in the signature folder, two notifications were shown on top of each other. In the end, the user could see only one notification but it was noticeable by pressing the alt + tab.
In this release, this issue is fixed and only one notification is shown.

VSTO notification content not announced by JAWS


The listed accessibility issues are fixed in this release:
  • Notifications were not announced by JAWS.
  • The Edit Signature Dialog, did not have a title while switching between open apps with alt +tab.
  • While using JAWS, the focus is lost after closing the Edit signature dialog.

Released to Stable on April 23, 2024




VSTO notification content not announced by JAWS


The listed accessibility issues are fixed in this release:
  • Notifications were not announced by JAWS.
  • The Edit Signature Dialog, did not have a title while switching between open apps with alt +tab.
  • While using JAWS, the focus is lost after closing the Edit signature dialog.

VSTO dialog does not have a title when using ALT+Tab for navigation


The listed accessibility issues are fixed in this release:
  • Notifications were not announced by JAWS.
  • The Edit Signature Dialog, did not have a title while switching between open apps with alt +tab.
  • While using JAWS, the focus is lost after closing the Edit signature dialog.

Released to Stable on April 9, 2024



Make the Onboarding window detached from the main one

Make the Onboarding dialog detached from its parent window



Both new and reply signatures inserted when forwarding an email


While using VSTO add-in along with another third-party add-in called SimplyFile, after forwarding an email, they got both reply/forward and new signatures in the email. In this release the issue is solved.

Released to Stable on March 26, 2024




Remembered default user profile is reset on Outlook Restart


There was an issue with "Remember selected user profile" where it is reset on Outlook restart and the user gets the default user profile signature. In this release, this bug is fixed.

Released to Stable on March 12, 2024



Create Plugin project and implement BeforeUninstall


In this release, we have implemented the clean-up process when the VSTO add-in gets disabled or Templafy Desktop is uninstalled. So we will remove the Templafy stored signature files and registry keys.

Update branch policies


In this release, we have implemented the clean-up process when the VSTO add-in gets disabled or Templafy Desktop is uninstalled. So we will remove the Templafy stored signature files and registry keys.

Build the new project to the correct target directory


In this release, we have implemented the clean-up process when the VSTO add-in gets disabled or Templafy Desktop is uninstalled. So we will remove the Templafy stored signature files and registry keys.



Internal Signature does not insert when it is supposed to


When the signatures are separated based on audience and the user wants to reply/forward to an email with only internal recipients, the external signature is always inserted. The issue is fixed in this release and the correct signature is inserted based on the Audience.

Released to Stable on February 13, 2024



Onboard system repos


Adding code-owners.yml for automated branch policy management



Email signature VSTO Add-ins Notifications are not announced by screen readers


Email signature VSTO Add-ins Notifications were not announced by screen readers. In this release, this issue is fixed.

Templafy One: Email Signature not successfully set for first time user in ServerMode


When Templafy is installed in ServerMode, Users get an error related to updating the signatures while completing the onboarding flow for the first time. In this release, this issue is fixed.

Released to Stable on January 16, 2024



Handle MIP labels

Apply Microsoft Information Protection label to RTF signatures

Do not do custom insertion for RTF either

Do not run manual insertion for RTF signatures either

Implement RTF conversion and expose interface

Implement Html to RTF conversion using Aspose library

Create a separate project for Aspose integretion

Add a separate project dedicated to RichText signatures conversion

Disable custom signature insertion for Templafy ONE

Set non-rtf signatures in registry as default and handle preferred user profile selection

Update UserProfile selector to set registry keys of default signature


Set non-rtf signatures in registry as default and handle preferred user profile selection

EmailSignatureVstoAddIns: Synchronize sources and translations from Crowdin

Pulled new translation and source string from Crowdin


Released to Stable on October 24, 2023


This version focuses on improving performance, without any updates to product features or bug fixes.


Released to Stable on September 26, 2023



EmailSignatureVstoAddIns: Synchronize sources and translations from Crowdin

Pulled new translation and source string from Crowdin



Extra space is added each time the From field is switched in Outlook and an email signature is inserted

When switching the sender, an extract space was added in front of the signature each time. Now this is fixed.

Text underneath the signature removes when it saves as a draft (in reply emails)

It has been reported that some users experience the text underneath an email signature getting removed if an email is saved as a draft and then opened again.

In this release, we've made a fix, so that the system no longer re-applies the signature if a draft email is opened and no changes have been made to the email properties.

Last line of the signature duplicates after making a draft in reply/forward


It has been reported that some users experience the last line of the email signature being duplicated if an email is saved as a draft and then opened again.
In this release, we've made a fix, so that the system no longer re-applies the signature if a draft email is opened and no changes have been made to the email properties.

Released to Stable on August 29, 2023



Use FIPS approved algorithm for checksum calculation

Use FIPS compliant SHA1 hashing algorithm to calculate the checksum of the signatures.

Synchronize sources and translations from Crowdin

"Pulled new translation and source string from Crowdin"

Synchronize sources and translations from Crowdin

"Pulled new translation and source string from Crowdin"



Too much Zoom/Low resolution and Simplified Ribbon in Outlook makes the switch userprofile in Outlook not work.


On simplified ribbons in Outlook, the new option for switching the Signature based on the User Profile was unavailable due to a design limitation. The User Profile selector for Signatures was changed to a menu, so that it would be available and usable in all scenarios: Classic ribbon and Simplified ribbon, regardless of the screen size.
The copyright was also updated better to differentiate the Email Signature add-in features from the others. 

Empty space lines are left in case a user does not have an internal email signature


Fix issues with space leftovers in case a user does not have an internal signature.

Fix an issue with reply signature not getting inserted

Fix an issue with reply signature not being inserted

VSTO Add-In replaces a draft email with a signature

Inconsistent behavior was observed in Reply/Forward drafts where users could get duplicate signatures or some of the content removed. It is fixed in this release.

VSTO: Links with styled child paragraph lose their color


In case a hyperlink contains a styled child paragraph, it would lose its styles when a signature is inserted in VSTO. Now this is fixed.

Released to Stable on July 5, 2023



VSTO Add-In crashes in combination with external add-ins

Fixed an issue that caused Outlook to crash on external Add-Ins.
Also, spacing in front of an email signature was made consistent between New and Reply/Forward emails.

Vsto Add-In: Email signature is removed when switching email format to plain text

Apply an email signature when email body format is switched

Vsto add-in inserts blank signature when no signature exists for that applied context

If a user has no signatures for a specific compose type (applied context) New or Reply, we would insert a blank signature even if the user has a custom default signature setup for that type.
Now a blank signature is only inserted if the user has at least one signature for the compose type, either for internal or external recipients.


Released to Stable June 2023



Manage certificate with variable group

Code signing certificate is managed within a variable group.

Integrate crowdin to EmailSignatureVstoAddIns

Added the new translation flow to EmailSignatureVstoAddIns

Make DeliveryStoreID optional to make VSTO Add-in more resilient

Make Add-In more resilient to problematic Outlook accounts.

Add TrackingJob to buffer the events

Add TrackingEventJob to handle events in Vsto in both online and offline versions.

Introduce an event for VstoUserProfileSelectionSwitched in VSTO

Add VstoUserProfileSelectionSwitched as an event to track whenever user profile has changed in outlook.

Inject FileManager and RequestManager manually

Inject dependency on Filemanager and RequestManager manually into EventTrackerJob

Add lazy initialization for TrackingService in VSTO

Lazy initialization for TrackingService in VSTO has been added to resolve the exception on Application startup.




VSTO add-in inserts blank signature when no signature exists for that applied context

If a user has no signatures for a specific compose type (applied context) New or Reply, we would insert a blank signature even if the user has a custom default signature setup for that type.

Now a blank signature is only inserted if the user has at least one signature for the compose type, either for internal or external recipients.

VSTO add-in fails to retrieve signatures if signatures folder is empty (no manifest)

Fixes bug that would prevent the add-in from retrieving new signatures if the metadata file was missing from the signatures folder

Outlook fails to restore links font when size is 0

Setting the font-size to 0 makes Outlook fail with an error and as a result the hyperlinks lose their original styles and get the default ones.
We have added the logic to identify such cases and prevent Outlook from failing.


Released to Stable May 2023



Fix stable pipeline certificate signing

Technical: Update to release build pipeline to support latest certificate signing


Change certificate for Email signature VSTO

Code signing certificate is updated in the pipelines.

Bump major version

Bump major version in order to reflect the User Profile Selection changes, in which the add-in takes over signature insertion in all scenarios.

User profile selection in Vsto

Users with multiple user profiles will now be able to select the preferred user profile to use for signature insertion.
When a user profile is selected, the associated signature will be inserted, and any subsequent signature changes due to recipient change will stay in the context of the selected user profile.
This change also means that the add-in now handles signature insertion in all scenarios and no longer rely on Outlook and its default signature settings.
The feature must be enabled in the Tenant's Email Signatures settings pane in Hive.




Templafy clearing non Templafy assigned domains signatures

Signature insertion would insert a blank signature for mailboxes for which no signature was found. This corrects that behavior, so no signature is inserted for such mailboxes.

Silent crash of Outlook when opened in /embedding mode and signature VSTO add-in is loaded

If Outlook is run with the /embedding command line parameter and at the same time has been set up to prompt the user to select the profile to use on start-up, Outlook crashes when the add-in requests the list of accounts (mailboxes).
This fix, ensure that if such a failure is caught, it will not crash Outlook.


Released to Stable March 2023



Release PropertyAccessor

Technical: Ensure release of COM object when setting custom properties to avoid leak.

Remove local time offset from requests from Vsto

The Vsto add-in has been aligned with other signature targets, i.e. Outlook Web Add-in and Email Signature Server, such that signature validity is based on the current UTC time and not user local time.
This change was done on the server side, so this is purely clean-up of unused parameters sent as part of the requests to the backend. This change applies only to Hive.

Cleanup usage of Word process for RTF conversion

Cleanup usage of Word based process for RTF conversion

Upgrade Newtonsoft Json to latest in Vsto

Technical: Upgrade Json library dependency to latest version

The deprecation check in Vsto delays initialization by 10 seconds in offline mode, it should not.

Technical: Reduce timeout of deprecation check to avoid delayed initialization of the add-in when in offline mode.




Email signatures are not inserted for Draft emails.

We have thus far not been able to insert signatures in draft emails, e.g. on recipient change.
The reason being that draft emails created in a previous Outlook session does not allow for retrieval of the sender by normal means.
This fix adds a secondary method of getting the sender, thereby enabling insertion of signatures for drafts.

Duplicate signatures inserted in case of send on behalf senders

After an update in Outlook for Windows, the events triggered by Outlook have changed their behavior, resulting in our Add-in sometimes inserting 2 signatures. This was impacting the case of Send on behalf feature. We have identified the root cause and decided to ignore the SendOnBahalfOfName event as now it is always accompanied by another one that is already used by our Add-in.


Released to Stable February 2023



Duplicate signatures inserted in case of send on behalf senders

After an update in Outlook for Windows, the events triggered by Outlook have changed their behavior, resulting in our Add-in sometimes inserting 2 signatures. This was impacting the case of Send on behalf feature. We have identified the root cause and decided to ignore the SendOnBahalfOfName event as now it is always accompanied by another one that is already used by our Add-in.



Fix SonarCloud findings in EmailSignatureVsto

We have addressed a list of technical improvements in the solution, following SonarCloud findings.



Some clients experience font color being ignored when signature is inserted

When signatures are inserted, Outlook restyles links, but thus far we had not seen it change the color. However there are cases where the color is changed as well, so this release adds color to the properties that are restored post insertion. The supported color values are RGB e.g. rgb(12, 34, 56), HEX e.g. #123456 and Named colors (black, white), additional colors are not supported at this time, nor are HSL and variants with Alpha channels


Released to Stable January 2023



Add JP translations to VSTO

Add Japanese translations for add-in related messages

Implementing a switch off mechanism for the VSTO Add-in

This change is only going to take effect starting with this Add-in version, this being the first version that could be deprecated using this in the feature. Older versions already deployed are not going to be affected. When an Add-in version is upgraded, in a few cases it might happen that a few users are not receiving the new version. This could be caused by factors, not Templafy-related, such as Templafy Desktop not running anymore or being blocked from updating. In a relatively small number of cases, the version deployed on users' computers could be a couple of years old (or even more), leading to:
We have created a mechanism, controlled on the server side, that would allow specific Add-in versions to be stopped from making requests against the server. This allows us in the future to completely deprecate and stop the usage of old versions, without causing undesired exceptions on the server side or faulty behavior of the Add-in on the user's computer. For the first 5 times, when the user opens Outlook, will get a notification prompt to check for Templafy Desktop updates.
On top of this, as we do not have any control over the Add-in once it is deployed to users, in case of a critical incident we can currently only wait for a new version to be successfully deployed. This feature improves our disaster recovery mechanism.
This feature is only implemented for Templafy Hive.
In the beginning, the minimum supported version of the Add-in is 7.0, not affecting any users. In the future, we are planning to slowly increase the minimum supported version as we deprecate newer Add-in versions.


Use the static signed-in page for the return url in Vsto

Use dedicated static page during the login process to avoid navigating to Library (i.e. <tenant> The only impact on end users, is in case the login page fails to close by itself, a neutral status page will be shown to let the user know they have been successfully logged in.




Font size resolution does not take unit into account

When signatures are inserted, Outlook restyles links, which is undesirable.
When we restyle (reverse) links in signatures, one of the styles reapplied is the font size.
So far this has been ignoring the unit specified, which has lead to incorrect sizing if the unit is anything other than points (pt).
This fix takes the unit into account when resolving font sizes and converts to points accordingly.

Special characters like 'ØÆÅ' are displayed incorrectly in plain text signature in VSTO

Specify UTF-16 explicitly for plain text signatures converter to fix encoding issues


Automatic signature change causes font size change

Outlook re-styles links in signatures when they are inserted.
We then reestablish the original style after insertion is complete, however some attributes are retained so we do not restore all. This change adds the font-size to the attributes restored.

Default signature not changing to primary user profile signature if any other signature has been manually selected

If the default signature is not correct, e.g. manually changed to another, Templafy is meant to set it to the correct value when Outlook is opened. This only worked if the default signature setting was not set at all, otherwise a restart of Outlook was required to see the change. This fix ensures that the change to the correct default signature happens instantly regardless of its current value, without requiring a restart.

Custom user signature removed as default even though there is no available Templafy signature

The Email Signature VSTO Add-in was removing custom user-defined signatures from being set as default when there were no Templafy signatures available. As an example, when a tenant had only new signatures available for users, the Templafy signature was set as default for new type while the reply default settings were always reset to none. This meant that if a user had a custom signature defined for a reply as default, Templafy would remove it from being the default signature when performing an update. The same stands true for the scenario in which only reply signatures were provided through Templafy. As this behavior was causing user frustration, we have changed it so that in case of no Templafy signature we only remove a signature from being set as custom if that signature was previously provided by Templafy.

Hidden authentication doesn't work in first sessions of VSTO add-in

The authentication mechanism is always trying first to perform a hidden Single-Sign-on. If this does not succeed, then the user will be faced an authentication form. We have identified that in some cases the hidden flow would not succeed, leading to the show of the authentication form which succeeded automatically without any user action. Even though the authentication process was successful, the unnecessary showing of the authentication form was affecting the user experience.
This scenario could be seen when the following conditions were met:
This was caused by the wrong identification of a successful Single-Sign-on authentication because of multiple redirects performed by the Authentication provider. The issue was now fixed allowing the hidden authentication flow to wait for the results. In addition to this, we have also improved the logging on the authentication flow.

Released to Stable December 2022


Rethink link style lookup for VSTO

Since style ordering cannot be relied on, this changes the link style look up used when reapplying the styling of links that Outlook removes.
While no longer relies on style ordering, duplicate hrefs are still applied in the order they appear in the original signature.

VSTO: Force signatures update when add-in is upgraded to the next version

Currently, if we make some changes in the add-in requiring a new signature update, the only way to do it is to ask each user to open and then close the "Edit Email Signatures" modal. To resolve this problem, we have implemented automatic signatures update when the Email Signature VSTO Add-in version is upgraded.

Enable DisableRtfSignaturesGeneration by default in VSTO Add-in

We have previously introduced some changes that will make the Email Signature VSTO Add-in use a different mechanism for RTF conversion. The new mechanism does not need the use of a Microsoft Word process. Until now, the new mechanism was only active if specifically enabled through a registry key. This change makes runtime RTF conversion enabled by default for all tenants.


Released to Stable November 2022


VSTO: Subscribe to recipients change event only when needed

Add conditions to exit early if switching Internal/External signatures is not required

VSTO: Collect hyperlink styles using HtmlAgilityPack

Use HtmlAgilityPack to collect hyperlink font styles instead of Word application

Ensure prerequisites for Vsto are present or display announcement if not

Fail gracefully if unable to create/access the signatures folder on the local computer.

Add a x-templafy-vsto-version header

Add new X-TemplafyEmailSigVstoVersion header to all mails sent with Email Signature Vsto Add-in enabled, to allow for easier debugging.

Email signature add-in: Prevent retry in navigation in case of ConnectionAborted

Changes to prevent retrying navigation if connection was aborted, which causes in turn more connections to be aborted.


Formatting changes when signature changes to internal one (automatically)

Fix issue with duplicate hyperlinks in signature.
Duplicate hyperlinks would lead to failure to restyle links with the proper font and underline status (Outlook strips these), which would in turn lead to failure to properly toggle signatures on recipient change (Internal/External).

VSTO: Expanding large distribution list makes Outlook freeze when Add-In is enabled

This attempts to remedy the issue with long waits when expanding large distribution lists (or adding a ton recipients by other means).
Resolution of SMTP addresses for email recipients will now keep track of which resolution method that produces a result and use that for subsequent recipients. In other words, the highest scoring resolution method is what will be used for the next recipient in line, and the score is updated per recipient.


Released to Stable October 2022


VSTO: Replace all static Log access with TemplafyLogger

Use TemplafyLogger instead of Serilog.Log static property

Make it possible to disable RTF/TXT signatures conversion

In default mode, Email Signature Add-In generates RTF signature files using Word application process via Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
Some users with very strict firewall settings experience RPC unavailable exceptions.
To solve this problem, an additional mode was implemented which does not require RTF signature files on users machine hence no Word application needed.
Implementation differences:
This mode can be enabled via registry key:
with the string value true

Use strong named version of CredentialManagement

Use a strong named version of the CredentialManagement assembly to ensure integrity.

Disable roaming signatures on Stable

Disable the Roaming Signatures feature as it is incompatible with the current Add-in implementation.


Signature spacing is broken on the recipient side

Improve signature insertion logic and fix the formatting issue


Released to Stable September 2022



Disable roaming signatures on Insider

Disable the Roaming Signatures feature as it is incompatible with the current Add-in implementation.

Disable roaming signatures

Disable the Roaming Signatures feature as it is incompatible with the current Add-in implementation.

Clean up email signature registry keys for vsto

Handle multi cases of default signatures updates for outlook registry clean up.


VSTO fails to update signatures if Outlook account was deleted

Fix null reference exception on reset of default signatures

Font changes for automatic internal signature

Recover original styling of email signature fonts when switching Internal/External signatures

Email Signature Add-in causes Outlook to crash when opened with ActiveX

Fixed error which blocked Outlook from starting within ActiveX controlled environment.

Internal reply signature has space left over from the external reply signature

Remove trailing empty paragraphs when inserting an email signature


Released to Stable August 2022



Outlook Ribbon alterations (VSTO)

Change edit email signature icon to templafy icon.

Add readme file in email signature vsto add-in

Added a new Readme file for the project and 3 new configuration keys for development purposes.


Complete translation resources for the other supported languages
Complete translation resources for the other supported languages.


Hyperlinks are underlined when switching Internal/External signatures
We have identified that Outlook automatically underlines all hyperlinks ignoring the original styling. This release includes a fix for it.


Do not attempt to log to WebSink in Vsto when on Hive
Technical: Avoid attempts to log to WebSink when on Hive, as no logging end point exists.

Allow Email Signature VSTO to preselect the authentication method by passing the user id
When a tenant has multiple authentication methods and the registry key for preselecting the right one is not set, it will always prompt the users to the "choose authentication method" page. As the users have joined the tenant using one of the methods, it is known what the user's choice should be. This is an extra step that can be removed to improve the user's experience and, at the same time, users with single sign-on should automatically authenticate.
We are now sending the user id stored by Templafy Dekstop in the registry keys to the authentication mechanism in order to automatically determine what the authentication method is.

VSTO: Check if logger is initialized before writing anything
Implement a protection layer against uninitialized Logger instance

Suppress encoding dialogs in VSTO
Add more logging to RequestManager and suppress encoding dialogs for Chinese users

Add advanced logging to VSTO
Add more debug logging to simplify signature insertion troubleshooting

Fix Sonar Cloud issues on VSTO Add-in
Fix code smells discovered by Sonar Cloud. Fix code style warnings.


When signature add-in is in use, signatures duplicated when switching between email accounts
We have identified that some Outlook versions process email document structure differently.
That led to unexpected behavior when switching Internal/External signatures for some users.
For example: duplicated signatures, partial signatures, signatures disappearing, etc...
In this release, we updated the implementation to take it into account.


Released to Stable July 2022


VSTO: Handle COMException in a timer thread to prevent pop-ups
Handle COMException in a Timer thread to prevent user pop-ups

Figure out a way to have pull request versioning follow the branch the originate from
Technical: Set GitVersion config based on target branch for pull requests

Setup translation foundation
Prepare Add-in for translations and translate to Danish


Translation of Edit Email Signatures is wrong in most languages
Because of a mistake in the newly released translations, the *Edit Email Signatures* button was showing the wrong content in multiple languages. This bug only affected customers on the Insider track and it is now fixed.

Internal/external signatures are not working for users with capital letters in the email
Internal/external signatures are not working for users with capital letters in the email. This issue was caused by the different handling of case-sensitive email addresses such as The bug affected only users with this type of email addresses. To fix the issue, we added a case-insensitive comparison of signature mailboxes.


Released to Stable June 2022



Update build pipeline on live to use new branching strategy
Technical: New build pipeline to support 3 branch setup with Internal, Insider and Stable branches.

Remove branch security check task from all pipelines
Removed status check stage from pipeline yaml files in favor of status check in pull requests.

Switch all repositories from GitVersion to GitTools
Upgraded all Azure pipelines from deprecated UseGitVersion task to new GitTools tasks.

VSTO: Add throttling to RecipientsChangeEventHandler to avoid lags caused by event stream
Add throttling to RecipientsChangeEventHandler to avoid lags caused by event stream

VSTO: Add throttling to RecipientsChangeEventHandler to avoid lags caused by event stream
Add throttling to RecipientsChangeEventHandler to avoid lags caused by event stream

VSTO: Validate add-in refresh token before using it

Before making any requests, the email signature VSTO add-in needs to ensure authentication. When Templafy Desktop failed to refresh the token, the add-in was not trying to authenticate in the background resulting in an error message and retry after one hour. This was now changed and when Templafy Desktop fails to authenticate, the add-in will automatically trigger the authentication flow.


Released to Stable in April 2022


Fix ClientCertificateRequested in EmailSignature AddIn

This release ensures the WebView2 browser will automatically pick the certificate if only one certificate is available when the site requests a certificate from the browser.

Use InsertFile instead of ImportFragment to maintain paragraphs

Use InsertFile instead of ImportFragment to maintain paragraphs correctly

Reuse already saved signatures if sas links are identical in Vsto

Identical signatures were saved as separate files, one per mailbox. Only one instance of each unique signature is now saved.

Handle From field changes

Handle SenderAccount change when switching internal/external signatures

Avoid adding extra new line breaks when switching signatures in reply emails in VSTO
Avoid adding extra line breaks when replacing a signature

Update VSTO to use single mailbox reference

Technical: Consume new single mailbox stored signature

Do not switch signatures in case Audience separation is not configured

Always select default signature to switch to and do not switch in case Audience is the same

Add IsDefault filter for Internal signatures when API returns it

Always select default signature to switch to and do not switch in case Audience is the same

Reenable lost commit to get smtp address resolution resilient

Reenable lost commit to make the resolution of SMTP address resilient with fallback

Avoid unnecessarily retrieving the DeliveryStore

Avoid attempting to retrieve the Outlook Account's delivery store when it is not used

Only consider External signatures when selecting the default signature

Only consider external signatures when selecting the default signatures for a Mailbox

Fix QualityGate pipeline for EmailSignatureAddIns

Fix code coverage for quality gate and sonar reports

Make VSTO signatures-metadata backwards compatible

Make VSTO signatures-metadata backwards compatible

Implement recipient list change event handler

Handle recipient change event to apply internal/external signatures

Implement SignatureAudienceChangeHandler to react to recipient change events

Implement SignatureAudienceChangeHandler to react to recipient change events

Implement event throttling

Handle recipient change event to apply internal/external signatures

Implement SignatureReplacer which is independent of signature format

Implement signature format independent SignatureReplacer

Rename Primitives to Models namespace

Introduce Models namespace instead of Primitives to also include Domain specific types

Fix error when entering invalid recipients

Fix error when entering invalid recipient in any of the fields

Restore original Font for PlainText

Restore original font for plain text signature after import

Display notification when login succeeds

When the user is presented with an interactive login screen, a notification will be shown once login completes. This also applies if the login screen auto-closes without direct user interaction as they will still see a screen momentarily appearing.

Outlook hangs if closed while the authentication window is open

Ensure proper shutdown of Outlook even if the interactive authentication window is still open.

Make the token refresh call from the AuthenticationMaster instead of AuthenticationManager

Technical: Consolidate authentication related functionality on MasterAuthenticator

Version bump

Bump version to 7.2 with release of synchronization based signatures

Wrap OutlookSettingsApi response in ApiResponse class

Wrap OutlookSettingsApi result in ApiResponse class

Replace all instantiations of WindowsFormSynchronizationContext with the DispatchHelper

Technical: Replace dispatch related logic with DispatchHelper

Fix all logger related warnings

Technical: Fix formatting for all logged messages to comply with Serilog standards

Change VSTO to use same synchronization logic as OWA and Email Signature Server

Change VSTO to use same synchronization logic as OWA and Email Signature Server

Fix pop-up centering

Fix issue with authentication window and edit window appearing on a different screen than Outlook if Outlook is maximized.

Templafy one should not attempt to authenticate before accessing end points

Only enforece authentication for Hive users, not Templafy One users.

When the user is logged in in Outlook, the onboarding flow shouldn't be shown

All endpoints accessed by the Vsto add-in require authentication and authorization, however, a valid authentication token is not always present. Instead of showing the Edit Email Signature flow to authenticate the user, the authentication is now done separately. First it will attempt silent SSO login (no user interaction) and if that fails, e.g. email authentication method, it will present the user with a login form. Once logged in signatures will be updated and the expected behavior will continue. Should the user choose to abandon login (close the window) it will stay dormant for a day, or until the next restart of Outlook, whichever comes first.

Create experimental version of Vsto to identify reason for inability to resolve SMTP address

Resolution of the SMTP address of an Outlook account fails in certain scenarios (MDaemon). This adds additional logging and resilience with fallback to the resolution process, with the purpose of finding the cause and possible permanent solution.

Address sonar cloud findings in VstoAddin

Fix findings from Sonar Cloud in Email Signature VSTO Add-ins solution

Update WebView2 to latest version

We have Updated WebView2 SDK to the latest version and removed previous workarounds introduced for supporting the previous version.

Add workaround for issue related to WebView2 runtime

Added workaround for WebView 2 95.x runtime issue as suggested by Microsoft as well as fallback to an error page if WebView2 fails to initialize.

Changed Signing step to use codesigning task

Changed code signing step to properly sign DLLs in the add-ins

Integrate with new OutlookSettings

Apply the default Microsoft Information Protection label to prevent pop-up dialogs on signature updates.

Show authentication flow when not able to authenticate

Once we authenticated the VSTO endpoints, when one is using the Email Signature VSTO Add-in and it is not in a valid authentication state, the requests will fail as unauthenticated. This could happen in the following case:
From now, in these specific scenarios, we are showing the Edit Email Signature flow and ask the user to authenticate before continuing the requests. The following scenarios will trigger the Edit Signature Flow to authenticate only when the user is not authenticated: opening Outlook, daily check for signature updates, or manual action to trigger the Edit Signature Flow.
For Citrix deployments, there will be no change in how a user will interact as it was always necessary to authenticate the user when Outlook first runs.

Use refreshToken for fetching the accessToken ased in VSTO endpoints

In our continuous efforts to improve security, we are now using the authenticated endpoints for communication between the VSTO Add-in and the server.


Message items crashing when opened with Outlook closed

Fix issue with opening .eml and .msg files when Outlook is not already running

No update of signatures is requested when the Edit Window is closed in VSTO

The Edit Signatures dialog is now properly modal such that the request to update signatures is issued after the dialog is closed.

Trying to open a saved email twice causes the attached error.

Opening sent mails or other item types like meeting invites would fail the second time when attempted with Outlook running. This has now been fixed.

Client context not set correctly for Templafy One when signing in from email signature add-in

This release ensures the correct version information for the add-ins is available for tracking purposes.

Installing signatures in Vsto for Templafy One, fails when signatures are already up to date

Fix bug affecting Templafy One, where the add-in would fail to load when no update to signatures was needed (any other result than a successful downlod of new sigantures, would fail).

Distorted Templafy logo in VSTO notifications

The Templafy logo in Email Signature VSTO Add-in notifications was automatically inheriting the height of the notification box. Whenever the notification message was displayed on multiple lines, the logo will get distorted. This was now fixed and the logo will always have a fixed size.

VSTO stuck in loading on citrix environment

We have detected some cases in which because of the lack of registry key identifying the platform (Hive or One), our Add-in was failing in a deadlock, blocking its execution. We are now better at handling this case.

Edit flow triggered every minute when VSTO is offline

When the user was in offline mode, the background check for signature updates was automatically opening the Edit Signatures dialog. After being closed, it was opened again immediately. We have fixed this now by properly handling the offline state of a user. When an automatic check for updates detects the user being offline, a notification will be displayed without blocking user actions and the next check will be scheduled in one hour. The Edit flow dialog will now properly display the offline state. Removing the signatures in offline mode automatically is not happening anymore.
We have also identified an issue with multiple dialogs being displayed if the user clicks multiple times on the Edit Email Signatures ribbon. It was changed so that only one dialog is allowed at once.

Outlook crashes (freezes during loading) - current insider Email Signature add-in version 7.1.3

Since version 7.1.3 some users experienced crashes of the Email Signature AddIn. The crash was caused due to the profile name of the Outlook session resolving to an invalid value (null). This release attempts to fix this issue.

Inactive VSTO signatures not being removed

Email Signatures were not cleaned up when a user no longer received signatures for Templafy, this has now been rectified.

Email: GetOutlookSettings If you know tenantid and userid you can get outlooksettings for any user?

As the GetOutlookSettings endpoint was not authenticated, it was possible to get the outlook settings for a user knowing its user and tenant ids. Due to now having the endpoint authenticated, this is not possible anymore.

Email: GenerateEmailSignatures can generate signatures for any user?

As the GenerateEmailSignatures endpoint was not authenticated, it was possible to get the signatures for another user knowing its userId. Now having the endpoint authenticated, this is not possible anymore.

Backstage not showing in MSI installation of Office 2016

Fixed issue where it was not possible to read some keys from the registry when running a 32 bit version of Office.
Fixed issue with MSI installation of Office 2016 that was not loading the backstage properly.




Reimplement Keep slide custom background when inserting it from Taskpane

Updated slide insertion to always use destination theme formatting


Investigate why Starting WebView2 is slow when from APAC user

Fixed issue where switching account would still keep the same url for authentication as of the original account, therefore possible causing slowness when starting up the task pane.


Investigate if it is possible to insert slides in between slides when only the space in between is selected
Extended functionality of slide insertion from Templafy to allow the user to insert a slide when only the space in between slides is selected


2 seconds delay in Word when clicking "Create blank document" the first time

Improved performance when opening new documents for the first time.


Show new validator confirmation dialog in VSTO

Enhance the confirmation dialog displayed for accepting or dismissing changes to slides locked by the admin.


Add more logging for DynamicsDesigner (Hive) in VSTO

Technical release to improve the logging of errors in DynamicsDesigner. No functionality is affected.


Add endpoint to close Task Pane in VSTO Add-ins

As a part of the implementation of the new empty state of the task pane, we have introduced a new endpoint that allows the user to close the task pane from the Library App.


Improve adding content control flow

After content control creation and update focus is moved from Dynamics designer to the document pane
Cursor repositions to the next character after content control


Image not removed after Document Update (VSTO 7)

Create a new applier to remove image from header when no image is provided


Update WebView2 to latest version

Updated WebView2 to the latest stable version of the package, thus also removing a temporary workaround for a WebView2 issue that is now fixed.


Remove deleted TemplafyOne code in VSTO in the Hive bridges

Dynamics removed unused code related to TemplafyOne from the Hive nuget package and updated the related brigdes in VSTO


Add a logic to identify entry point (backstage, side pane and 3rd party apps)

This change add extra query parameter to composer dialog window to track entry point for composer page


Apply workaround for image inserting bug on Monthly Enterprise channel

To address a Powerpoint bug related to image inserting on the Monthly Enterprise Channel of Office, we are applying a workaround that prevents this bug. This workaround will be in place until a fix by Microsoft is rolled out to all release channels of Powerpoint.


Revert solution for inserting slide to keep background

We had released a solution for preserving background on slides when inserting, but this solution caused other issues to appear, so we are now reverting this so it will again work correctly in other situations, and afterwards work on a proper solution.


Keep slide custom background when inserting it from Taskpane

Make sure that we insert slides with destination theme(original office behaviour)


Don't use parentId when calling Dynamics in VSTO

Remove presentationId from the call to Dynamics to get the updated version of validator enabled slides.


Compare Registry tenant Id with document tenant Id to enableDocumentUpdater

Hide update button if registry tenant id is different from the document tenant id


Add new Templafy.Dynamics.One package and use it on One bridge side

Implementation based on the following rules:


Remove old Email Signature folder from Library AddIn

Removed old Email Signature related files from Library AddIn source code, as Email Signature has been separate for years.


Fix updating of documents containing big attachments in VSTO (Hive)

Fixed updating of documents containing big attachments


Enhance reporting of document update failure when word document contains malformed uri

Improved reporting of document updater failure when a broken link inside of word document is a cause.


Respect server mode setting in VSTO Add-ins

Add support for Server Mode, where some settings are registered under Local Machine instead of Current User


Create logic in VSTO for triggering Validator

Support to validator slides in Template Hive, WHen there is a new version of the slide, VSTO asks if the user wants to update


Create Dynamics Bridge for One in VSTO

This is a technical release which deals with splitting of Validator for One and Hive.


Split Validator classes in VSTO

Splitting Validator classes in VSTO to Templafy One and Hive. Apply some renaming.


Improve VSTO logging

This release improves application logging when WebView2 fails to initialize


Enable Verbose logging in vsto

Added flag to enable verbose logging in the WebView2 controls of VSTO, to allow more fine grained troubleshooting.


Disconnect RangeText from DisplayName

Creating element configurations from Dynamics Designer does not change selected text to the value entered in display name.


Add work item and release notes policy to OfficeVstoAddIns build pipeline

Status of the associated work item and release notes are now checked when creating a Pull Request in the OfficeVstoAddIns repository.


Add extra parameter for setting display name on element configurations

Added extra parameter for creating/updating element configuration to set title and placeholder text separately.


Disallow binding on all other shapes than Table Shapes (VSTO)

Add a template validator to not allow RepeatingGroups in other than Table shapes


Update Ranorex tests due to changes on the UI

Fix Ranorex repository due to changes on the UI, mostly related to update the composer button on word


Change backstage copy texts

This is a text change in backstage. Now users will see "Create a blank {Tenant Name} presentation" text instead of just "Create blank presentation. Also composer button and description texts have been updated in similar style.


On VSTO when user selects a table or anything inside it, present the repeating group configuration

When the user selects a text, the system try to identify if the text is inside a shape and then get its Templafy configurations


Detect platform version(Hive or One)

Previously the platform (One or Hive) that VSTO was using was based on the Templafy Desktop Client version. This was not reliable, so instead, we check the platform when starting the application by sending a request to the configured tenant. Based on the response we know if we are on One or Hive.
Since a tenant can not have been migrated to Hive and the switch back to One, we only do this check when the VSTO has not previously confirmed that the tenant is using Hive, once that is confirmed it will no longer send any requests at startup.


Remove Custom Backstage from Office applications

Don't show composer when template libraries are disabled for the respective application when this setting is set in library configuration settings.


Update VSTO

Word blank document starts to be a dotx file instead of docx file


Add support for color theme in VSTO document updater in word

With this release we have introduced support for setting and updating color themes in word documents using dynamics. This feature works the same as it previously did in Templafy One.


Add color theme applier plugin in VSTO

With this release we have introduced support for setting and updating color themes in power point presentations using dynamics. This feature works the same as it previously did in Templafy One.


Remove Email Signature Release steps from yaml pipeline

There is no version 7.0.123 available because in this release there are no changes to the VSTO AddIns, only to the release pipeline.


Remove release steps from yaml pipeline

There is no version 7.0.122 available because in this release there are no changes to the VSTO AddIns, only to the release pipeline.


Improve performance of Document Opener rules

When a blank document is created or a new document is created via Composer opening rules were applied.
This release optimizes them.
Word document is only opened once internally instead of twice when opening rules are applied.
Command keymaps restoration is not applied to document created from dotx templates because for dotx files Word handles everything by itself.
Rule for restoring correct document author was fixed to account not only Templafy One transformation but the Templafy Hive transformation as well.
It also reads less metadata to work.


Create first batch for Ranorex tests

Add RanorexTests to DesignWordTemplate, CreateWordDocument, UpdateWordDocument


Update WebView2 nuget package in VSTO

Updated WebView2 SDK package to the latest stable version.


Fix error in Outlook when opening taskpane in 2016

There was an error being thrown in Outlook 2016 that would make opening the task pane fail. The fix was to have an alternative code path for version 2016 of Office that allows for the task pane to open.


Update Binding nuget in VSTO

Upgrade Dynamics nuget package in VSTO to support new DocumentNameTransformationConfiguration


Update VSTO add-ins to serve DynamicsElement endpoints

With this release, the Dynamics team is able to interact better with the Word document, like updating and deleting content controls or jumping to them. These mechanisms are currently used behind a feature flag. Only the following tenants have access: "markman", "matias2", "osk", "hartogharten", "demodynamics", "caliel", "nbu".



In VSTO, DisableBootToOfficeStart is getting written to a nested HKCU

Fix issue where registry key to enable Backstage was being written to the wrong place, therefore not properly enabling the backstage


Font settings are set to wrong registry key path and not updated

The Email Font settings for the Email Signature VSTO Add-ins were not applied to the right location in the registries. This was causing the font settings changes to not be updated. It was now fixed.


Text on Dialog does not scale

Fix a problem with scaling text for larger resolutions.


Error when creating elements with template designer in Word library add-ins 7.0.152

This fixes a bug where creating Dynamics elements did not work using the TemplateDesigner together with One.


Form rendering is not optimal

Improve rendering of the confirmation dialog to center relative to the parent and scale according to screen resolution


Inserting Dynamic Text Field Into Text Frame/Shape Doesn't Update

Update dynamic text fields in textframe or shapes


Composer block under MS Themes - no native Microsoft blank

To fix an issue on Office 2016 or old backstage of 2019 where creating a microsoft blank presentation on PowerPoint would create a presentation with no slides, now we also add a slide as we create the presentation


An image will be inserted into the Office application in focus

To fix an issue where having two instances of Word and inserting an image on one and then rapidly switching to the other would insert the image on the wrong document, now we track the window where the action was started and insert the image on the correct window accordingly.


Template designer does not remove all custom document properties

Fixed an error which prevented removal of custom properties


Document with inserted validator enabled slides fails on verifying the slide version in VSTO

Handle slides that are not inserted from Templafy when checking slide version.


Email signatures aren't updated when updating Templafy desktop and restarting Outlook

Getting the current font configuration for users was failing due to an error in accessing the Registry Key. This was blocking the automatic updates of email signatures in the Email Signature VSTO Add-in.


DMS Flow fails sometimes due to race condition

Fix an issue where document creation using the DMS flow would fail sometimes, this seems to be caused by the paste functionality not being available when a new document is being created in Word. The fix does not use the paste functionality and should consistently work.


Slide insertion causing logo to move behind background image

When inserting certain slides the images on that slide would change order after the insertion. This has now been fixed so the order of all the content on the slide will stay the same after insertion.


Ctrl + N crashes word with composer on

To fix an issue where when opening the second blank document in teh same instance of word, word would crash, now a copy of the file is made before opening and is deleted at the end of the opening process, thus keeping the blank document file intact.


Outlook Templafy task pane stuck on "Loading Templafy"
When initializing a WebView2 component, now the application makes sure it initializes it in the correct context, as it needs to be initialized in the UI thread. Updated WebView2 nuget package to the latest version.


Outlook Templafy task pane stuck on "Loading Templafy"

When initializing a WebView2 component, now the application makes sure it initializes it in the correct context, as it needs to be initialized in the UI thread.


Outlook Templafy task pane stuck on "Loading Templafy"

Addressed issue with reading word property in Outlook documents to determine if they are read-only or not. Now the application also checks if a mail items was sent or not before evaluating.


Windows doesn't close when creating document from DMS

When setting custom properties in the context of opening a document from DMS, the windows would not close after applying custom properties. This has now been fixed, so properties are applied correctly and the window will close properly.


BindingExplorer only shows bindings in body of Document, Headers and footers are missing

Bindings from headers and footers are added to binding explorer.


Outlook Templafy task pane stuck on "Loading Templafy"

Improved exception handling and logging of WebView2 initialization, so that we can better understand if anything fails while a task pane is initialized.


Composer block does not show at startup or in the File tab

Now users that have Office 2019 should see the composer button


Inserting specific slides from the library into a presentation throws the user back to the library root folder.

When inserting certain slides into a presentation, the user would be sent back to the root of the slides library. This has now been fixed, so the user will stay in the folder where the inserted slide was.


Taskpane fails to open automatically on Templafy One with VSTO 7.+

There was an issue when running version 7.X in Templafy One when opening the task pane as the VSTO was sending a invalid request to the application. That invalid request threw an exception and prevented the task pane from opening.


Checking platform fails when using authentication method

After the release that changes the way Platform is being detected, there were an issue using authentication method and checking platform the first time after an update. This has now been corrected so Platform is detected without error.


VSTO version 7.X doesn't work with Templafy One if authentication method or url is not set

There were an issue with using VSTO add-ins version 7.x with Templafy One when not using Authentication Method or Authentication URL, where the add-in would crash when starting. This has now been fixed so the add-in will work correctly.


Composer block does not show in backstage

Templafy current implementation of Composer in Office Backstage is only compatible with Office2019 and Office365, but it won't work with Office2016 since the structure of the Backstage is different: there is no Home Tab where we can add Composer.
We have solved this problem creating a custom version of our Backstage that only applies for users with Office2016. In this version we hide the TabOfficeStart and we add Composer to the Open (ID: TabRecent) section. We have included a new Tab called MS Themes that users can use to create a new un-branded document.


Operation fails when trying to insert an asset in outlook

Fixed an issue where inserting a pdf in Outlook, in any type of item other than an e-mail (e.g. appointment or meeting) would fail. The issue was an exception thrown by the application when adding the attachment, due to a bug in the code.


Slides won't insert

When an invalid slide was being inserted but failed to complete the Add-ins would fail silently. Now a message will be displayed to the user that the slide failed to be inserted and the error will be logged.


April 2021

Creating Documents from withIn Word takes very long while the WebApp goes fast

SetProofingStateRule is taking more than a minute to run, we are disabling it now and reopening the bug 



Error using Document Updater with template that contains text element in footer and section break

When the TextElement is located in the header/footer the TemplateConfiguratorExtractor was locating the content control twice, with the current change we are keeping a distinct list



On Excel Design editor gives a blank panel

User wasn't possible to open Dynamics Designer on Excel. During the load Excel was trying to read data that wasn't available at the moment



Cursor disappear when Templafy is running

Changed creation of user data folder in WebView2 to a user data folder per application



Error in VSTO reading from blank custom property

Set default value for booleans if custom property is missing on the document



Updater changes the 'Table Properties'', specifically the 'Borders and Shading' settings, after updating (Hive only).

Before this fix, user-formatted tables with dynamic text element insertion (using a binding) were losing their format when updating through VSTO add-ins (One+Hive). After this fix, the format of the table will be preserved (but for Hive only).



Visibility on group bindings within a text element binding are not updatable with Updater

Updating a text element binding more than twice breaks the binding

During an update we need first delete the old content before adding new content, the delete content applier wasn't able to locate and delete a table inside the text element. the result was the new content was inserted inside the old table



VSTO Add-ins crashes on load

There was a deadlock when starting up the application, that it was trying to log an error but the logger needed the application to be initialized. To fix this, we moved the code that could cause the error to after the application is initialized, so it does not affect the start-up of the add-in.



Inconsistent crop behavior when replacing images

When replacing images the crop behaviour was inconsistent between different types of shapes/non-shapes the image was in caused by another error. This has been fixed by preventing the other error from being thrown.



Update of a text element binding removes formatting

During the development of 31908 On VSTO, update Text element content was leaving a trail of nested content controls. We unattended start to apply the Normal style after the document insertion and not before (what is correct)



Downgrade WebView2 version to 1.0.705.50

WebView2 version has been downgraded to 1.0.705.50 as a possible fix for the bug regarding the mouse cursor seldom disappearing in VSTO Add-ins.



An image binding inside of a text element binding will cause all other bindings inside the text element to break upon update

During the image applier VSTO updater was throwing a hidden exception and because of that, the upcoming appliers weren't triggered.
From now on we are catching the exception and dealing with it.


Track Templafy Hive data into the correct file

Offline tracking data is now written into a local file called trackingsv2.txt for Templafy Hive. This file will be read by Templafy Desktop.


Wrong undo step name for Slide insertion when slide contains images

When users add a new slide which has images, we used to set wrong undo step for PowerPoint. We fixed and updated undo step name with this change.


Ensure blank document offline creation is tracked

Blank document creation using Composer is now tracking the event when the user is offline, writing into the trackings.txt local file


March 2021

Authentication token in registry is not used when using authentication method in VSTO

Fixed an issue when after using authentication method and doing login in the VSTO task pane, the token from the registry was not used. This was because we are logging in to e.g. <authenticationMethod>, but the token was only set in the cookie for <tenant>



Complete Dynamics 1.x/2.x bridge in VSTO Add-ins 7.0

As a first step to split Dynamics code between Templafy One and Template Hive, this PR aims to improve and focus the dynamics code in the PowerPoint/Excel projects.
Where we just move classes to a new folder and adjust namespaces. No new feature.


Templafy Library taskpane swapped positions with Productivity tools task pane
This fixes an issue where using the Library add-in with the Productivity in PowerPoint would have the Library panel be opened before the Productivity and therefore it would stay to the right, tainting the user experience. Now it will open as the second task pane, therefore staying to the left of the Productivity panel.


Fix issue where 64 bit dll of webview2 is not included in package

Fix for add-ins not correctly starting up in certain setups because the 64 bit dll for webview2 was missing.


Empty WebView2 after adding support to custom proxy server

Fix for issue where sometimes the user would see a blank pane when rendering a webview2 page, due to a concurrency issue between the initialization of webview2 and the navigation


Implement custom proxy support for WebView2

Add proxy workaround so that WebView2 correctly uses proxy settings when a proxy is set up, the same way as Templafy Desktop.


Task pane is automatically closed when opening a new PowerPoint instance

Templafy task pane was closing when user was opening backstage or clicking on File in menu.


Track blank document creation when online in VSTO

Fix for issue where creating a Templafy blank document was not being tracked properly. Now it will be properly tracked as if the document was created within the Web application.


On VSTO, update Text element content was leaving a trail of nested content controls

During the document update, we start to using the same text element content control to insert the new temporary document.
Before this change the code was cloning the content control and deleting the original (this is not needed)


Issue in Word where the Status bar does not appear to update
The status bar in Word was not showing any info (word count, page count etc.) when the Templafy VSTO Add-in was active. Now the status bar shows the right info again.


Outlook Add-In Fails Operation when inserting Email Element to opened e-mail
When opening a received email in its own windows the task pane would open as well, even though it would not be possible to insert any assets. Now the task pane will only open when an email is editable.

Upgrade Dynamics in VSTO add-ins 6.1

Upgrades Dynamics and fixes updating for setting managed metadata (in SharePoint). See 29139 Managed metadata is not saved to SharePoint


Updater is not able to update TextElements in a Locked ContentControl (One)
Updater is not able to update TextElements in a Locked ContentControl (Hive)
During the update of a document we need to unlock (and after lock again) all content controls to be able to change visibility of some content controls


Upgrade Dynamics in VSTO add-ins 7

Upgrades Dynamics in order to fix managed metadata handled in Dynamics designer (see 29139 Managed metadata is not saved to SharePoint


TrackDocument does not track Email and UserId

TrackDocument endpoint is set to allow anonymous requests so the VSTO Add-ins does not provide the cookie as a part of the request, reason why the user information is missing in the tracked custom event.
The reason why the endpoint does not require authorization is because it is called in an early stage of Add-in startup, where the user might not have interacted with Templafy yet so it could be that it's not logged-in.

In this release we have changes the request to provide the token if the user is authenticated, so the user details will be tracked.


Exploration task: Replace template and form configuration references with an adapter call in VSTO project
As a first step to split Dynamics code between Templafy One and Template Hive, this PR aims to improve and focus the dynamics code in the word project.
Where we just move classes to a new folder and adjust namespaces. No new feature.


Blank Document caching + Improve VSTO to load Blank Document faster

Revamped the blank document creation. Now the blank document is stored locally. Every time the user opens an Office application, the add-in will verify if the stored blank document is up-to-date and belongs to the same tenant as the one being currently opened. If it is, nothing happens, otherwise it will trigger a new generation and overwrite the blank document file. A new check will be schedule to a time between 0:05 and 1:00 if the office application is left open.

If it was not possible to generate a blank document for some reason and the user presses the button, composer will be opened as before and a new blank document will attempt to be created. If successful, it will also be stored locally so next time it will not use composer. Otherwise the user will be notified of the error.


When starting a new email in Outlook the Templafy add-in panel is stuck on "Loading Templafy"

When starting a new document the Templafy add-in panel was stuck on "Loading Templafy". That was happening because initialization of WebView2 was failing. This fix improves error handling and logging.


Spellcheck does not work after document creation

When creating a document from VSTO add-ins, Word usually ignores several settings from the DOCX file. One such information is the current proofing state (spelling and grammar), which is set to CLEAN (no further checks needed). This will ignore all existing errors in the document. After this fix, the errors will be displayed.


Word "mailing function/recipient list/sorting crashes with Templafy add-in enabled.

When trying to sort recipients in the mail merge function in word the application would encounter an error and close down. This has now been fixed so there is no issues with using this function in word while running the add-ins.

Document creation is failing for specific templates

The format of customization for Word (key bindings) has a special format, where one argument can be OMMITED. Before the fix, this argument was hardcoded required and caused an exception when it was missing. Error occurred when opening a Word document with customizations from VSTO add-ins libraries, where the argument value was missing for at least one command.

Hide group upon document update doesn't completely hide

This release is fixing an issue without Document Content Updater feature. When a word document created from Templafy was updated for a particular group to hide, upon update completion, the content control wasn't fully hidden and instead left an extra space. While this problem was discovered on one specific template this was affecting all users with similar configuration and has now been fixed with this version of VSTO Addins.



Inserting an image into a child image within the grouped shape removes the shape group

Fix for an issue where inserting an image into a shape that is part of the group would replace the whole group. Now it only replaces the shape itself and binds it to the group it belonged.


Changing default value for checkbox form doesn't save

There was a problem when using Dynamics Designer to configure default values for checkbox Form Fields. The default value is now saved properly.


Open automatically task pane setting should be enabled as default

Open automatically task pane setting is now enabled as default, changing the previous behavior where the user needed to enabled the setting manually to get the task pane open automatically.


Checking 'open task pane automatically' in word add-in does not save

In Templafy One the decision about opening automatically the task pane does not only depend on the setting, it also takes in consideration if we are creating a new document or using an existing one, also if the document has been created using Templafy, prioritizing this two conditions (new/existing document and Templafy/non Templafy document) over the setting.

From now on open automatically task pane setting is the only criteria to determine whether the task pane should open or not


February 2021

Composer and Backstage: Some characters not shown in heading

When a tenant display name contains ampersand symbols (&), they are not shown in Composer's Backstage label. This happens because a single & is interpreted as the shortcut key.
In order to fix the issue and get a literal & in the label, we format the display name of the tenant by doubling every & contained on it when parsing it from the AddIn Configuration file.


Update document not working with inserted text element using a dropdown

VSTO was failing to insert a new content when no styles available


Validate Element Configuration in Dynamics Designer

In Word designer, added support to create Repeating Groups elements with text inside (this is hidden by feature flag. The validation of repeating groups can be tested with a collection expression {{HostSystem.Array}} and with nested text bindings {{CurrentItem.XXX}}, where CurrentItem is the running variable of the repeating group.


Tracking in VSTO 7 is still with browser IE

VSTO Add-ins which version is 7.X are using now Microsoft Edge WebView2 instead of Internet Explorer to load the WebApp in the Task Pane, but they are still tracking the browser version as if it was IE11.

In this release we fix that, tracking the WebView2 version used by the Add-in.



Open task pane automatically option in Outlook is not saved

Outlook Task Pane Manager is lazy loaded, meaning that all event handlers related to the taskpane are not attached until the pane is opened for the first time. One of this event handlers is the one in charge of reading the :value from the Registry, meaning that the Library Add-in really know the value of the setting until the Task Pane is already opened.
The reason why the TaskPaneManager was lazy loaded was due to a performance issues when loading the Add-in during the Outlook start up, causing the Add-in to be disabled due to long loading times.

This performance issues has been addressed and solved following a different strategy, so we can safely get rid of the lazy loaded behavior of the task pane to listen to the AutomaticallyOpenTaskPane setting without causing new issues.

Image is cropped 

Users of Office Add-ins noticed cropped Templafy logo on the offline warning page.
In this release, we fixed the cropped Templafy logo and improved the design of the page users see when offline or when an unexpected error occurs.


Label in Ribbon is not shown

For all version 7.X Library Add-ins with Composer enabled a custom tab without text is always shown in the Office App Ribbon, regardless of the AddIn configuration the Admin of the tenant has defined for the Custom Tab.

In this release we fix the issue, building the Ribbon according to the AddInConfiguration settings. If the custom tab is enable, the custom name defined in the AddInManagement settings will be shown, otherwise no custom tab will appear.


Closing a (oauth2) dialog in WebView2 opens another dialog

After closing a modal dialog, created in VSTO add-in, it was again appearing on users screen but without window frame

Inserting Object created from file into Word will make the open Excel instance unresponsive/ unable to close

When inserting Excel sheets into word while having Excel open, it would not be possible to close Excel afterward. This has now been fixed so the Excel application will not be blocked from closing.


January 2021

Create/Update shape binding with Dynamics designer renames the shape in the selection pane

In Dynamics Designer when creating or updating a shape, the shape is no longer renamed and keeps its name.

Images that are inserted into a PowerPoint / Word shape, can no longer be "moved" around if the shape does not have an outline.

When inserting an image into a shape in PowerPoint and Word, in order to keep the format of the shape before the insertion, the Add-in tries to apply a format to the shape's outline. This provokes an error when the shape didn't have an outline right after the image is inserted, not showing the Crop tool.

In this release we have fixed this issue, checking if the shape had an outline before applying any format to it, avoiding the error and allowing the user to Crop the inserted image.


Exception reading manifest from VSTO Add-ins

We had an issue related to code signing that was cause by throttling by the timestamp server. To fix it we added waiting time between code signing of each manifest.

When inserting asset, task pane closes

A bug was introduced in version 7.0.40 that caused the task pane to close when inserting assets. This has now been corrected so it will remain open after assets are inserted.


Templafy Designer remains open when template is closed

When closing a document from the toolbar at the top, the sidebar would remain open. This is now fixed so the sidebar will be closed in the same way as when closing a document with other actions.


Enable SSO by default on WebView2 Add-ins

Enabled SSO by default using the account from the computer, so the user does not have to input their credentials when they do not have a authentication token stored.


Shift + N opens composer in VSTO

There was an issue where for Composer, Shift was being considered the key Control and therefore opening Composer when pressing Shift+N. This is fixed by considering the correct key for the shortcuts.


Export button is shown even when no presentation is open

Hide Export button in Composer in Office add-ins when no document is open.


Remove double space in Backstage Composer Description

Label showing the create document description in the Backstage of Office Applications when Composer is enabled has been fixed, removing the double space after the tenant name.

VSTO 7.x shows Internet Explorer version in About dialog

Added specification of WebView2 version to About Box

Composer: Opens on search

Update composer related shortcuts to make sure they are triggered correctly and don't interfere with other office shortcuts.



Composer: Doesn't work with AuthenticationMethod regKey

Fix for a case where the authenticationMethod registry key was ignored when opening composer. Now, if it is set, in a Composer window the authentication flow will continue correctly.


Composer: Doesn't work with AuthenticationMethod regKey

Fix for a case where the authenticationMethod registry key was ignored when opening composer. Now, if it is set, in a Composer window the authentication flow will continue correctly.

The Document Content Updater correctly updates content in a table, but increases the font size.

An issue with DocumentUpdater has been resolved where styling was not maintained in the updated part of the documet, mostly affecting tables.
This affects all versions of Dynamics and no changes in WebSite is needed.

Blank Templafy taskpane when using Preview pane in File Explorer

There was an issue with Word running in compatibility for multiple displays mode when the user had opened a preview of a document in explorer and then opened Word, the Templafy task pane would not load properly.
The fix was to made task pane display content correctly in Word when it runs in compatibility for multiple displays mode.


Updater fails on InsertTextIntoContentControlTransformationStep - corrupted table

This update contains a fix for documents that make use of the Document Updater feature and were created using an Office version with a different language pack other than English (fx. Dutch or German). The bug was happening when setting a style name for the text to be updated. The style name used was "Normal" but it did not exist if an English language pack was not installed. We are now using the old text style present before updating the document.


Document update fails due to file size with an exception Unable to determine the identity of domain.

This fixes an error with an IsolatedStorageException being thrown when using the document updater on large Word documents. The update should now work as expected.
This affects all Dynamics versions.
It is not necessary with any changes to the Website.
It is recommended to use Word 2013 or newer, as the fix had to be implemented differently for Word 2010.


Powerpoint hangs when inserting slide

Prevent slide insertion from hanging PowerPoint


Add Hive Release stages to 6.1 branch pipeline

Add Hive Release stages to 6.1 branch pipeline so 6.1 can be deployed to Hive as well


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