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How to use the And() and Or() operators with multiple True/False arguments

About this article

This article explains what the And() or Or() operators are and provide examples of how they can be used with the binding syntax in smart templates.  

  • These functions support True/False statements as arguments and cannot utilize string values as arguments.





What is the And() operator?

And() is an operator that takes many True/False statements as arguments and returns True when all the arguments are True, and returns False if at least one of the arguments is False.


And() logic

Syntax {{And(True/False, True/False, True/False, ...)}}
Output True/False



And() operator examples


Example 1

Using the And() operator together with IfElse() to set the visibility of a smart field based on the value of three checkbox questions originating from the response form.

Binding {{IfElse(And(Form.Checkbox1, Form.Checkbox2, Form.Checkbox3), VisibilityType.Visible, VisibilityType.Hidden)}} 

Form.Checkbox1 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox2 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox3 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox1 = ""

Form.Checkbox2 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox3 = "☑"




Output Visible text Hidden text


Example 2

Using the And() operator together with IfElse()and Equals() to set the visibility of a smart field based on the value of three text questions originating from the response form.

Binding {{IfElse(And(Equals(Form.Question1, ""), Equals(Form.Question2, ""), Equals(Form.Question3, "")), VisibilityType.Hidden, VisibilityType.Visible)}}

Form.Question1 = ""

Form.Question2 = ""

Form.Question3 = ""

Form.Question1 = ""

Form.Question2 = "Hello world"

Form.Question3 = ""




Output Hidden text Visible text



What is the Or() operator?

Or() is an operator that takes many True/False statements as arguments and returns True when at least one of the arguments is True, and returns False if all the arguments are False.


Or() logic

Syntax {{Or(True/False, True/False, True/False, ...)}}
Output True/False



Or() operator examples


Example 1

Using the Or() operator together with IfElse() to set the visibility of a smart field based on the value of three checkbox questions originating from the response form.

Binding {{IfElse(Or(Form.Checkbox1, Form.Checkbox2, Form.Checkbox3), VisibilityType.Visible, VisibilityType.Hidden)}} 

Form.Checkbox1 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox2 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox3 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox1 = ""

Form.Checkbox2 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox3 = "☑"

Form.Checkbox1 = ""

Form.Checkbox2 = "☐"

Form.Checkbox3 = "☐"

Condition  True True False
Output  Visible text  Visible text Hidden text


Example 2

Using the Or() operator together with IfElse() and Equals() to set the visibility of a smart field based on the value of three text questions originating from the response form.

Binding {{IfElse(Or(Equals(Form.Question1, ""), Equals(Form.Question2, ""), Equals(Form.Question3, "")), VisibilityType.Hidden, VisibilityType.Visible)}}

Form.Question1 = ""

Form.Question2 = ""

Form.Question3 = ""

Form.Question1 = ""

Form.Question2 = "B"

Form.Question3 = ""

Form.Question1 = "A"

Form.Question2 = "B"

Form.Question3 = "C"

Condition  True True False
Output  Hidden text Hidden text Visible text



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