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Teams App Connector permissions

This article explains the necessary permissions Templafy requests when the Teams App Connector is configured and accessed. 


  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • Library and App Connector modules enabled
  • Teams App Connector configured
  • Admin access to Microsoft Azure tenant

About the requested permissions

To install and use the Teams App Connector, Templafy requires several scopes, or delegated permissions from the Microsoft Graph API. This means that any permission given is on behalf of the signed in user, so Templafy will never be able to access anything that the current signed in user can't access. 

  • ChatMessage.Send - This allows Templafy to send a message to the Teams chat on behalf of the signed in user when the app connector is added as a tab. It also allows Templafy to post message in the chat when a document is created / added.
  • Chat.ReadBasic - This allows Templafy to see members of the Teams chat in order to share documents.
  • ChannelMessage.Send-This allows Templafy to send a message to the Teams channel on behalf of the signed in user when the app connector is added as a tab. It also allows Templafy to post message in the channel when a document is created / added.
  • Files.ReadWrite.All - This allows Templafy to create and add documents to the SharePoint site associated with the Teams channel it has been added to.
  • User.ReadBasic.All - This allows Templafy to get the email address of the user in order for Templafy to identify the signed-in user.
  • User.Read - This allows Templafy to access basic user profile information.

The Templafy Teams App connector also requests four OpenID Connect Scopes:

How to grant consent for permissions

Before users can install and use the Templafy App in Teams, Templafy needs to be granted the above permissions. In order to Grant Consent on behalf of the entire organization:

  1. An Office 365 admin should search for Templafy under the Apps section of Teams. Then, in the Templafy App Overview, click on Grant Consent.
  2. Clicking this link will open a new page in the browser showing the requested permissions.
  3. When an admin clicks Accept, this will grant these permissions for each user in your organization.
  4. If this is successful, the message "Consent succeeded: You have successfully granted Templafy the necessary permissions. You can now close this window." will appear.
  5. Users can now install and begin using the Templafy App in Teams.

Where the permissions are stored

When consent is granted for the requested permissions, this is creating an application in the organization's Microsoft Azure tenant. To see this application, go to Microsoft Entra ID service portal and navigate to the Enterprise Applications page. A new app called Templafy Teams App will appear in the list.

To see the list of permissions granted on this application, open it and go to the Permissions tab.

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