The origin domain, Smart Hostname, should be considered 'inside the customer organization' for Exchange Online to accept emails returning on the Inbound Connector from ESS. Organizations must add the unique domain, the Smart Hostname, generated for the deployment as an accepted domain to their Exchange Online configuration.
- Global Admin rights in Microsoft Admin Center.
- Templafy-Hosted Email Signature Server.
Start new domain registration
- Navigate to
- Click Settings in the left-hand pane, then Domains.
Click + Add domain.
- Add the ESS Smart Hostname:
for the Domain name in the textbox.
- Click Use this domain.
Select the default first option: Add a TXT record to the domain's DNS records.
- Click Continue.
- The Templafy Solutions Engineer will need the TXT value shown.
- The process will hold here until the ESS Smart Host DNS record is updated by the Templafy Solutions Engineer.
- Once the Templafy Solutions Engineer completes the action above, click Verify.
- Select More Options, then Add your own DNS records.
- Uncheck the Exchange and Exchange Online Protection box.

The ESS Smart Hostname should be displayed in the list of domains with the status No services selected once completed.
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