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Templafy web add-ins overview

About this article

This article will explain what the Templafy web add-ins are, which minimum Office and OS versions are required, as well as which browsers are supported. 

What are Templafy web add-ins?

Templafy Web add-ins are add-ins for Office 365. This means, that the add-ins can be installed on: 

  • Office Online
  • Office for Mac
  • Office for Windows


Prerequisites for running Templafy web add-ins


  • When using Templafy Web Add-ins it is generally recommended to run the latest version of Office.


Device Office versions

Office 365 Version 1612, Pro Plus/Office 2019 (One time purchase)

Email Signature:

Support for 1.10 in Outlook on Windows which is available from Outlook version 2104 (build 13929.20296)

For internal/external support for 1.11 in Outlook on Windows which is available from Outlook version 2110 (build 14527.20226)


Office 365 Version 15.32, Pro Plus/Office 2019 (One time purchase)

Email Signature:

Support for 1.10 in Outlook on Mac is available only in the "New UI". Support for the new Mac UI is available from Outlook version 16.38.506.


  • As of 2021, only specific versions of office newer than Office 2016 are supported for Microsoft 365 connectivity. The list is available here.


Device WebView
PC WebView2 must be installed with elevated/administrator rights

WKWebView must be installed (installed by default for Safari)


Device OS versions
PC Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

High Sierra or newer


Device Browser support

Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 or newer

Mac Safari 12.03 or newer


  • Important Note: Templafy Web Add-in taskpanes will not render correctly if vanity (custom) URLs exist in SharePoint. 


Support for Email Signature Web add-in, based on Exchange version


Exchange version General support
Exchange Online

Exchange on-premises (server) ❌ (support in on-premises is limited to requirement set 1.5, while we require 1.10 minimum)


Support for Web add-in, based on Operating System


Operating system General support Microsoft 365 Apps Support (1) Task Pane support (2) Event-based support (3)
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 8.1 ✅ -> ❌ (January 10, 2023)
Windows 10 ✅ -> ❌ (October 2025) ✅ Version 1903 (Build 18362)
Windows 11
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016 ✅ -> ❌ (October 2025) ✅October 2025
Windows Server 2019 ✅ -> ❌ (October 2025) ✅ October 2025 ✅ Version 1903
Windows Server 2022 ✅ -> ❌ (October 2026) ✅ October 2026


  • * (✅ -> ❌) - End of support officially announced.
  • (1) - Support for running Microsoft 365 Apps (Web Add-ins) on Desktop. Not having the support makes the Email Signature Web Add-in completely not working.

  • (2) - Support for Task Pane interaction - when opening the "Email Signatures" task pane and manually inserting the signature. We refer to this as authenticated flow in Web add-in, as the user has to authenticate/be authenticated.

  • (3) - Support for Event-based actions. These include all the actions that are performed by us as a result of user actions in Outlook, without interacting with the Task Pane. We refer to this as an unauthenticated flow, as this works for 30 days after logging in in the task pane. As of now (Oct. 2022) there are 2 triggers: on a message being composed and on recipients being changed. The first one handles the automatic signature insertion, while the second one performs updating the signature for internal/external. Not having support for this makes our Web Add-in only work in authenticated flow.


How can Templafy web add-ins be distributed



Module and Library availability in Templafy

You can find more information on what is supported on PC, Mac, or Office Online here:


Check and ProductivityPlus modules in PowerPoint for Mac and PowerPoint for M365 (Web Add-in)

Templafy modules Check and ProductivityPlus are not available with the Web Add-in. Which means that the modules are not available in PowerPoint for Mac or PowerPoint for M365. 

With that being said, due to accessibility requirements, building a Web Add-in for those modules is being prioritized by the Templafy Product team. There is no ETA for this functionality. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for an update on the progress.


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