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How to find out which Templafy version you're running

About this article

This article briefly explains how to locate which version of Templafy VSTO add-ins and Templafy Desktop Client and Templafy Desktop Host you're currently running. Sections in this article: 



  • Templafy Desktop installed
  • VSTO add-ins installed


Templafy VSTO add-ins 6.x + 7.x versions 

  1. Search for Templafy Desktop on your machine to launch Templafy Desktop client
  2. Click on the tab Modules
  3. Look up version next to the add-in



Templafy VSTO add-in 5.x versions in Microsoft Office

  1. Open Office
  2. Choose Templafy and click on the arrow down
  3. Click on About



How to check the Templafy VSTO add-in version 5.x in Windows Explorer?

  1. Go to %localAppdata%/Templafy/Addins or %programdata%/Templafy/Addins
  2. Right click on Templafy.OfficeVstoAddins.Word.dll
  3. Choose Properties > Detail



Templafy Desktop Client and Templafy Desktop Host version

  1. Search for Templafy Desktop on your machine to launch Templafy Desktop client
  2. Click on the tab About
  3. Look up version. Templafy Desktop Host version is written inside the parenthesis, Templafy Desktop Client version is outside parenthesis 





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