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Install Templafy

This article explains how to download Templafy from the Admin Center.


Downloading Templafy Desktop MSI package

Templafy Desktop is the client Templafy uses to deploy VSTO add-ins for MS Office on PC.

  1. Go to the Office add-ins section in Admin Center.
  2. Go to the Install Templafy tab.
  3. Click Download under Install Templafy Desktop.

Downloading Templafy Web Add-ins

Web Add-ins are used for MS Office on Mac, Office Online, and PC.

  1. Go to the Office add-ins section in Admin Center.
  2. Go to the Install Templafy tab.
  3. Click Download under Templafy web add-ins.


The downloaded manifest file follows the library add-in settings configured in the tenant.

  • If a setting is changed, a new manifest file must be downloaded and distributed.

add-ins admin Templafy Desktop VSTO admin_role
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