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How to get the value from a specific column and row within an External Data Source using ExternalDataSources[]

About this article

This article will explain what the ExternalDataSources[] function is and provide examples of how it can be used with the binding syntax in smart templates.  





What is the ExternalDataSources[] function? 

ExternalDataSources[] is a function that returns the values from a specific external data source row. 


ExternalDataSource[] logic

Syntax {{ExternalDataSources.DataSourceName[NameValueToLookUp].DataSourceColumnName}}




ExternalDataSources[] function examples

In the examples below this external data source is used. 





Example 1

Using the ExternalDataSources[] function with plain text to retrieve the CategoryName from the row that contains Category ID "3".

  • Plain text must be enclosed in quotation marks.


Binding {{ExternalDataSources.Categories["3"].CategoryName}}
Input n/a
Output Confections


Example 2

Using the ExternalDataSources[] function with plain text to retrieve the Description from the row that contains Category ID "3".

Binding {{ExternalDataSources.Categories["3"].Description}}
Input n/a
Output Desserts, candies, and sweet breads


Example 3

Using the ExternalDataSources[] function with plain text to retrieve the CategoryName based on the value of the "CategoryId" question originating from the response form:

Binding {{ExternalDataSources.Categories[Form.CategoryId].CategoryName}}
Input Form.CategoryId = "5"
Output Grains/Cereals


Example 4

Using the ExternalDataSources[] function with plain text to retrieve the CategoryName based on the value of the "CategoryId" question originating from an App Connector:

Binding {{ExternalDataSources.Categories[HostSystem.CategoryId].CategoryName}}
Input HostSystem.CategoryId = "5"
Output Grains/Cereals


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