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How to reinstall Templafy Add-ins

The troubleshooting steps described reference Templafy VSTO Add-ins and how they can be reinstalled.


  • Templafy Desktop installed on the PC.

Reinstalling Templafy Add-ins in any Office application

  1. Open Com Add-ins.
    • Path: Outlook/Word/PowerPoint/Excel > File > Options > Add-ins > select COM Add-ins from the Manage list > Go.
      • Look for the Templafy Add-in.
  2. Select the Templafy Add-in as shown below, then click Remove. Repeat this process for all Templafy Add-ins. The example below is from Outlook:ReinstallTemplafyAddinsExampleOutlook.png
  3. Close the Office application and open Templafy Desktop.
    • Click Check for updates and wait for the process to complete.
  4. Open the Office application where you removed the Templafy Add-in and check that it has successfully been reinstalled.
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