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How to Transform an External Data Source

Templafy’s data transformation feature allows for the manipulation of a JSON data input using JMESPath. Data can be filtered, flattened, calculated, and combined to fit the needs of the template. 


  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • Data Connector and Data Transformation modules enabled.
  • External Data Source configured.
  • An External Data Source with Related Entities selected.

How to Transform an External Data Source

Before a data source can be transformed, the relevant related entities on the data source object must be selected. The transformation will use JMESPath, a query language for JSON.

More in depth documentation about syntax and examples can be found here: How to use JMESPath for External Data Source Transformation.

  1. Navigate to Resources and click on the External Data Sources tab.
  2. Select the data source you’d like to transform.
  3. Click on the three dots menu and select Transform data:
  4. Write your JMESPath transformation and leverage the AI-powered transformation builder to help write transformations or explain existing transformations:
  5. To test the transformation based on different inputs, search for additional inputs by selecting which field to search by and selecting or searching for additional records:


    Any string property on the record can be used in this sample record search.
    Search for other data types is not currently supported.

  6. Click Save data transformation.
  7. The output is now ready to be used in your templates.


    • If the transformed data is being used in templates, any update to the transformation can potentially cause those templates to stop working. 
    • Transformation is done per record, this means that it is not possible to combine or summarize records as part of the transformation.
external data sources data transformation
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