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How to add a hyperlink to a header, description or help text of a form field

This article explains how to create a hyperlink in a header, description or help text of a form field.


  • Library and at least one Dynamics module enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.

Creating a hyperlink

Hyperlinks are supported for the following fields:

  • Header form field.
  • Description form field.
  • Help text prefix of any form field.
  • Help text postfix of any form field.


  • Hyperlinks are not supported for the Question title (label) field of any form field.
  • Hyperlinks are not supported for the Hint text, Default value, Prefill text or Prefilled numeric value field of any form field.

Hyperlink logic

For creating hyperlinks markdown like syntax is used:

Syntax [Text to display](Address)
Input text, url
Output Clickable hyperlink


  • Although Templafy uses markdown like syntax, markdown is not supported.
  • Type the text to display between [ and ] brackets and the address between ( and ).


In this example a hyperlink to the Help center of Templafy is created for the 'Description' form field.

  1. On the Form tab in the Type field select Description.
  2. In the Text field type: 'For more information [click here]('.
  3. Click Add to form. The result looks like this:
  4. When a user creates a document then in the Composer the result looks like this (you can easily test this by clicking Preview Form on the Form tab):
  5. When the link is clicked, the result will be opened in a browser window.
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