This article explains how to show a copyright text like '© 2024' in a presentation or document and a disclaimer text in the document language set in the User Profile.
Configuration options
The are different ways to set up the environment (click the link to go directly to the example):
Example 1 - Using the Translations data source and the Translate() function:
- When languages are added in the future, templates don't need to be modified.
- Only single line text is supported.
Example 2 - Using a data source with language columns and the Switch() function:
- When languages are added in the future, templates need to be modified; the Switch() function needs to be updated and can become very long if you have many languages.
Only use this option if you have a few languages and you don't expect to add new languages in the future. - Multiple lines of text is supported (if enabled in the data source).
- When languages are added in the future, templates need to be modified; the Switch() function needs to be updated and can become very long if you have many languages.
Example 3 - Using a data source with a reference language column:
- When languages are added in the future, templates don't need to be modified, because you don't need to use the Switch() function in templates.
- Multiple lines of text is supported (if enabled in the data source).
In all examples the Languages data source is configured with the languages Dutch (Netherlands) (nl-NL)
and English (United States) (en-US)
The User Profile is configured with a Document language field (this is required). For the purpose of the examples, the document language is also added to the profile summary (marked green):
Example 1 - Using the Translations data source and the Translate() function
In this example the copyright and disclaimer text is used in a Word template, using the Translate() function. When a Word document is created it shows the copyright and disclaimer text in the footer, in the document language set in the User Profile.
The user can change the language in the document by selecting another User Profile (the user has 2 User Profiles configured, one with the document language set to English and the other one set to Dutch).
NoteThe Translate() function can also be used in PowerPoint. The steps below are basically the same, but instead of using placeholder texts like in Word, you have to use shapes. |
Add Copyright and Disclaimer texts to the Translations data source
- In the Translations data source click + Create to add a 'Copyright' item. In the En-US column enter an English text like '© 2024 All rights reserved.' and in the Nl-NL column enter a Dutch text like '© 2024 Alle rechten voorbehouden.'.
- Click + Create again to add a 'Disclaimer' item and enter an English and Dutch disclaimer text. The result looks like this:
Because the value '© 2024' is used as plain text this means that every year the value needs to be updated in the data source.
- Click Create.
Create a Word template
A Word template is created that will show the copyright and disclaimer texts in the footer of the document, in the document language set in the User Profile.
- Open Word and in Template Designer click + Create template.
- In the footer of the document type the placeholder text '[Copyright]' and select the text.
- In Template Designer on the Template tab click Custom text binding and use these values:
- Display name: '[Copyright]'.
. -
Allow updates: Enabled.
- Click Add to template.
- In the footer of the document, below the copyright placeholder, type the placeholder text '[Disclaimer]' and select the text.
- On the Template tab click + Add smart field > Custom text binding and use these values:
- Display name: '[Disclaimer]'.
. - Allow updates: Enabled.
- Click Add to template. The result looks like this:
- Save the template as 'MyLetter' and upload it to the Admin Center.
- When a user creates a document the copyright and disclaimer texts are shown in the document language set in the User Profile:
Example 2 - Using a data source with language columns and the Switch() function
In this example the copyright and disclaimer text is used in a Word template, using the Switch() function in combination with Datasources[]. When a Word document is created it shows the copyright and disclaimer text in the footer, in the document language set in the User Profile.
The user can change the language in the document by selecting another User Profile (the user has 2 User Profiles configured, one with the document language set to English and the other one set to Dutch).
NoteThe Switch() and DataSources[] functions can also be used in PowerPoint. The steps below are basically the same, but instead of using placeholder texts like in Word, you have to use shapes. |
Create a data source with copyright and disclaimer texts
A data source is created that contains the copyright and disclaimer text in both English and Dutch.
- Create a data source named TextRepository.
- On the Schema tab click + Add field and use these values:
- Name: 'En-US'.
- Type: Text.
- Multiple lines: Enabled.
- Click Add.
- Click + Add field again and use these values:
- Name: 'Nl-NL'.
- Type: Text.
- Multiple lines: Enabled.
- Click Add.
- Click Open data source, then click + Create and use these values:
- Name: 'Copyright'.
- En-US: '© 2024 All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, changed, or shared without permission of the copyright owner.'.
Nl-NL: '© 2024 Alle rechten voorbehouden. Dit materiaal mag niet worden gereproduceerd, gewijzigd of gedeeld zonder toestemming van de auteursrechteigenaar.'.
For both En-US and Nl-NL type the first sentence on line 1, press Enter, then type the second sentence on line 2. The result looks like this:
- Because the value '© 2024' is used as plain text this means that every year the value needs to be updated in the data source.
- When text is placed on a new line in the data source it will also appear that way in the document.
- Click Create.
- Click + Create again and use these values:
- Name: 'Disclaimer'.
- En-US: 'The information provided is for general informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.'.
Nl-NL: 'De verstrekte informatie is uitsluitend bedoeld voor algemene informatieve doeleinden. Wij garanderen niet de nauwkeurigheid of volledigheid van deze informatie.'.
For both En-US and Nl-NL type the first sentence on line 1, press Enter, then type the second sentence on line 2.
- Click Create. The result looks like this:
Create a Word template
A Word template is created that will show the copyright and disclaimer texts in the footer of the document, in the document language set in the User Profile.
- Open Word and in Template Designer click + Create template.
- In the footer of the document type the placeholder text '[Copyright]' and select the text.
- In Template Designer on the Template tab click Custom text binding and use these values:
- Display name: '[Copyright]'.
{{Switch(DocumentLanguage,"en-US", DataSources.TextRepository["Copyright"].En-US, DataSources.TextRepository["Copyright"].Nl-NL)}}
. -
Allow updates: Enabled.
A binding is case sensitive. That's why the first
in the binding above starts with a lowercase 'e', while the second one starts with an uppercase 'E'.
- Click Add to template.
- In the footer of the document, below the copyright placeholder, type the placeholder text '[Disclaimer]' and select the text.
- On the Template tab click + Add smart field > Custom text binding and use these values:
- Display name: '[Disclaimer]'.
{{Switch(DocumentLanguage,"en-US", DataSources.TextRepository["Disclaimer"].En-US, DataSources.TextRepository["Disclaimer"].Nl-NL)}}
. - Allow updates: Enabled.
- Click Add to template. The result looks like this (with Design Mode enabled in the Word ribbon):
- Save the template as 'MyMemo' and upload it to the Admin Center.
- When a user creates a document, the copyright and disclaimer texts are shown in the document language set in the User Profile:
Because in the data source sentences 1 and 2 (for both the copyright and disclaimer text) have been typed on a different line, the document also shows each sentence on its own line.
Example 3 - Using a data source with a reference language column
In this example a PowerPoint presentation is created that shows a copyright and disclaimer text on every slide, in the document language set in the User Profile.
The user can change the language in the presentation by selecting another User Profile (the user has 2 User Profiles configured, one with the document language set to English and the other one set to Dutch).
For the copyright the year is not added to the data source (unlike examples 1 and 2), but the Now() function is used to automatically display the current year.
NoteThe Now() function can also be used in Word. The steps below are basically the same, but instead of using shapes like in PowerPoint you have to use placeholder texts. |
Create a data source with copyright and disclaimer texts
A data source is created that contains the copyright and disclaimer text in both English and Dutch.
- Create a data source named CopyrightAndDisclaimer.
- On the Schema tab click + Add field and use these values:
- Name: 'Copyright'.
- Type: Text.
- Multiple lines: Enabled.
- Click Add.
- Click + Add field again and use these values:
- Name: 'Disclaimer'.
- Type: Text.
- Multiple lines: Enabled.
- Click Add.
- Click + Add field again and use these values:
- Name: 'Language'.
- Type: 'Reference'.
- Data Source: 'Languages'.
- Click Add. The result looks like this:
- Click Open data source, then click + Create and use these values:
- Name: 'Text_English'.
- Copyright: 'All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, changed, or shared without permission of the copyright owner.'.
- Disclaimer: 'The information provided is for general informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.'.
- Language: 'English (United States) (en-US)'.
- Click Create.
- Click + Create again and use these values:
- Name: 'Text_Dutch'.
- Copyright: 'Alle rechten voorbehouden. Dit materiaal mag niet worden gereproduceerd, gewijzigd of gedeeld zonder toestemming van de auteursrechteigenaar.'.
- Disclaimer: 'De verstrekte informatie is uitsluitend bedoeld voor algemene informatieve doeleinden. Wij garanderen niet de nauwkeurigheid of volledigheid van deze informatie.'.
- Language: 'Dutch (Netherlands) (nl-NL)'.
- Click Create. The result looks like this:
Create a PowerPoint template
A PowerPoint presentation is created that will show the copyright and disclaimer texts in the document language set in the User Profile. The texts will be shown on all slides, because the shapes (bindings) are created on the Slide Master.
- Open PowerPoint and in Template Designer click + Create template.
- On the Form tab click + Add question and use these values:
- Type: 'Dropdown'
Name: 'SelectText'.
The name can be anything because the question will not be visible to the user.
- Data source: 'CopyrightAndDisclaimer'.
- Label column: 'Name'.
Filter by: 'DocumentLanguage'.
- To display the Filter by field, click + Add filter in the Filter options section.
- The option DocumentLanguage will only be available if a Document language dropdown is configured in the User Profile. This is required.
- Hide if no interaction: Enabled.
- Auto select first option: Enabled.
- Click Add to form. The result looks like this:
- In the Office ribbon, on the View tab, select Slide Master. Then on the Insert tab select a (rectangle) shape and insert it at the bottom of the Slide Master.
Optional: Make the shape color blue. This shape will be used to display the disclaimer text. - Make sure the shape is selected, then in Template Designer, on the Template tab, click Form responses, expand SelectText and select Disclaimer.
- This will create the binding
- This will create the binding
- Click Add to template. Optional: Align the text to the left.
- Insert another (rectangle) shape and insert it to the Slide Master above the shape from step 4.
Change the color to green (optional). This shape will be used to display the copyright text. - Make sure the shape is selected, then in Template Designer, on the Template tab, click + Add smart field. Then click Form responses, expand SelectText and select Copyright.
- Click Edit binding. The binding
is shown.
Add© {{FormatDateTime(Now(),"yyyy")}}
before the binding. The result looks like this:
The FormatDateTime() and Now() functions in combination with the formatting
are used to automatically display the current year. - Click Add to template. Optional: Align the text to the left. The result looks like this:
- Click Close Master View.
- Optional: in the normal view remove the placeholders Click to add title and Click to add subtitle:
- Save the template as 'MyPresentation' and upload it to the Admin Center.
- When a user creates a presentation the copyright and disclaimer texts are shown in the document language set in the User Profile. As shown, when changing the User Profile to 'John Johnson - nl-NL' to 'John Johnson - en-US', the text in the slide changes from Dutch to English:
Also note that the copyright text shows '© 2024' (because it is 2024 when the presentation is created).
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