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Uninstalling Templafy Desktop

This article explains the process of uninstalling Templafy Desktop.


Templafy Desktop versions 1.9.X and later are bundled with a dedicated uninstaller named TemplafyDesktopUninstaller.exe, which cleans up the data for each user when executed. This uninstaller is a standalone executable file without any external dependencies.


Uninstalling Templafy Desktop does not uninstall email signatures. Signatures must be removed from %appdata%/roaming/microsoft/signatures

Uninstalling Templafy Desktop in Current User Context

You can uninstall Templafy Desktop in the same way that you uninstall any other programs in your Windows environment.

  1. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features
  2. Locate Templafy Desktop and right click


  3. Confirm Uninstall action by clicking Yes in the dialogue box shown


Uninstalling in Current User context is available in offline mode

Uninstalling Templafy Desktop in Local Machine Context

Templafy Desktop can be uninstalled for all users on a computer by an administrator.


If an administrator uninstalls Templafy Desktop, the data downloaded for each of the other users will not be removed because the administrator cannot remove data from another users' profile. The uninstaller will be copied into each users' profile directory, provided they have logged in at some point and actually run Templafy Desktop. The uninstaller will run once for each user, when they log in after Templafy Desktop has been uninstalled. Since Templafy Desktop is no longer installed, the uninstaller will remove all the data previously downloaded, after which it will remove itself.

  1. Log in to your local admin account
  2. In the start menu type cmd or command and click on Command Prompt
  3. Right-click and choose Run as administrator
  4. Run the following uninstall command: 
    MSIEXEC /x TemplafyDesktop.[tenant].msi ALLUSERS="1"

  5. The uninstaller is now copied over to User Profile directories that have already run Templafy Desktop on their accounts.
  6. Once the user logs in, the uninstaller will run in the background and delete all the respective files.


  • Ensure the ALLUSERS="1" parameter is present in the uninstall command
  • Templafy Desktop Client must be at least version to perform an all-user uninstall
  • Uninstalling in Local Machine context in offline mode requires Templafy Desktop Host and Client version 2.1 and higher.

Troubleshooting Uninstallation of Templafy Desktop

If any errors occur after completing an uninstall of Templafy Desktop (ex. add-ins attempt to load in Office applications), please complete the following:

  1. Remove all files from %localappdata%\Templafy
  2. Remove all files from %programdata%\Templafy
  3. Remove all registry keys from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Templafy
  4. Remove the specific add-in registry key
    • Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\[Outlook/Word/PowerPoint/Excel]\Addins\Templafy.OfficeVstoAddIns.X

If issues persist after completing the above steps, check the logs using the steps below:

  • Enable verbose logging by adding the following registry key:
  •  Check the log files created by the TemplafyDesktopUninstaller.exe at %localappdata%\Templafy\Desktop\Logs\TemplafyDesktopUninstaller-[Date]
Templafy Desktop uninstall
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