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Templafy Desktop Server Mode

This article explains how Templafy Desktop Server Mode installation works.


  • Technical prerequisites for Templafy Desktop.
  • System admin rights for internal IT:
    • For AVD: Global administrator.
    • For Citrix: Super Admin (Access to manage the Golden Image).
  • Templafy Desktop client 3.1.27 or above.
  • Templafy Desktop Server Mode module enabled.


Templafy Desktop is able to download packages when installed by administrators using the ServerMode installation parameter.

When installed in server mode, Templafy Desktop converts enabled add-ins and installs them into %ProgramData%, and in a similar manner, HKCU keys will be converted to HKLM.

Once the installation completes, installed packages will be displayed under the Modules tab of Templafy Desktop.

Supported Virtual Environments

  • Remote Desktop Solutions (ex. Citrix).
  • VDI (ex. XenDesktop, Azure Virtual Desktop, or VMWare Horizon):
    • Persistent.
    • Non-Persistent.
  • VDA (ex. XenApp or published Apps).
  • Windows Server (2008 is not supported) and Windows Virtual Desktop.


  • Server Mode supports installation of the following add-ins: Library, Check, ProductivityPlus, Email Signature, and Third-party add-ins.
  • Offline templates and Corporate Terminology are not supported with Server Mode.

How to Install Templafy Desktop on Server Mode

  1. After activating the Templafy Desktop Server Mode module in the Admin Center, navigate to the Office Add-ins section.
  2. Under Install Templafy Desktop, click Download.
  3. Run the install with the right parameter for server mode installation (shown below).
  4. Check Templafy Desktop to see installed modules in the Modules tab.
  5. Open Office programs and check add-ins are installed.

Installation parameter

Parameter name Parameter values Description
TEMPLAFYOPTIONS ServerMode Installs Templafy in Server Mode

Run below command in an Admin/Elevated prompt or using SCCM:

MSIEXEC /i TemplafyDesktop.[tenant].msi ALLUSERS="1" TEMPLAFYOPTIONS="ServerMode" 

How to Update Server Mode Packages

To update server mode packages, Admins will need to run the following command(s). This can be run on the image, or it can be configured to run every night on all servers.

  • Run as admin (for 32-bit):
    %ProgramFiles%\Templafy\Desktop\Templafy.Desktop.exe /forceupdate
  • Run as admin (for 64-bit):
    %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Templafy\Desktop\Templafy.Desktop.exe /forceupdate

Email Signature VSTO Add-in

If Email Signatures are used in a server environment (persistent or non-persistent) running Office 365 version 2008 and above, then a GPO needs to be configured to disable Outlook Roaming Signatures.

DWORD Value Description
DisableRoamingSignatures 1 Disables Outlook Roaming Signatures

If Email Signatures are used in a non-persistent environment, the following components/paths must persist to retain the onboarding flow synchronization keys and download the signature HTML file:

  • Email Signature settings: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Templafy\OfficeAddIns\EmailSignature\Outlook\16.0
  • Email Signature folder path: %appdata%\Microsoft\Signatures
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