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Bypass Email Signature Server

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Before performing some maintenance tasks, or if there is an issue preventing e-mail delivery, the mail flow to the Email Signature Server cluster may need to be temporarily disabled.

You are encouraged to review the Microsoft Service Health for any reported incidents for your subscription that involve Exchange Online. These incidents may involve impact to mail flow and delivery not necessarily related to the Templafy Email Signature Server.



Disable the mail flow rule in the Exchange Admin center

  1. Go to or go directly to
  2. Click Admin


  3. Click Show All and click Exchange in the Admin centers


  4. Click Mail Flow under the dashboard and click Rules


  5. Check the templafy email signatures rule and click Edit. It should be the first rule in the list.

    Note: The rule may have a different name than shown here


  6. Toggle the Enabled/Disabled toggle to disable the rulemceclip6.png
  7. Click Edit rule conditionsmceclip8.png
  8. Click Save to save the changes
email signature troubleshooting email signature server NDR
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