Articles in this section

Account information

This article explains the Account information tab accessible from the Admin Center.


In the Account Information tab, you can view and edit the information about the Templafy tenant. 

To access this tab, follow these steps:

  1. Go to 
  2. Access the Admin Center
  3. Click on the Account section in the left-side menu

Primary contact

This contact information is used if Templafy needs to reach out to your organization. Please note that the phone number requires the country calling code in the format +XX (e.g. +45).

Additional contact information

This contact information is used if the primary contact cannot be reached or if Templafy needs to provide updates and release notes.

Implementation details

This section provides information about the tenant and is only visible to Admins. It can only be edited by Templafy.

OpenID Microsoft Entra ID admin_role
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