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Session duration

This article explains how to manage session duration and what effect the setting has on end user log-in flows.


  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • OpenID Connect or SAML2 Authentication method.
  • Templafy Desktop Client 3.4.75 or above.

Session duration controls the length of your Add-in (VSTO and Web) token as well as Web Application cookie, based on your organization's security preferences. The duration determines the interval in which Templafy will require users to re-authenticate, and can be set to 8 hours, 24 hours, or 30 days.

To change the session duration, go to the Security tab in Account section of the Admin Center.


  • A newly selected session duration will be applied after the token with previous validity expires or when the user logs out of Templafy, hence invalidating the previous token.
  • The session duration for email authentication is 14 days.
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