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How to enable Bynder Content Connector

This article guides you through the setup of Bynder integration. 


  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • Content Connectors modules enabled.
  • An application must be registered in Bynder via Settings > Advanced Settings > Portal settings > OAuth Apps.
    • In Grant type menu, select Authorization Code + Refresh Token
    • Set the Callback URL (Authorization redirect URL) to:
    • Ensure the following scope remains checked: asset:read
    • Save the changes to generate a Client ID and Client Secret.

How to configure Bynder

  1. Go to Integrations section.
  2. Go to Available tab.
  3. Search for Bynder.
  4. Click + 
  5. Fill out the necessary configuration fields:
    • Display Name (required)
      • The name entered in this field will be displayed to the end-users
    • Base URL (required)
      • The first part of your URL when accessing Bynder (
  6. Select desired Authentication type
    • OAuth 2 Authorization Code will require login and display user specific content.
    • OAuth 1 Authorization is being deprecated and is no longer supported by Bynder for new connections.
  7. Based on the selected Authentication type, fill out the necessary configuration fields 
    • For OAuth 2 Authorization Code:
      • Client ID
      • Client Secret
    • For OAuth 1 Authorization:
      • Access Token
      • Access Token Secret
      • Consumer Key
      • Consumer Secret
  8. Hit Save

OAuth 2 Authorization Code

OAuth 1 Authorization


The Bynder content connector can have only one authentication type at a time, if several authentication types are required, several connectors should be set up.


If the Bynder Content Connector is utilizing OAuth 2 Authorization Code as an authentication type, the following should be noted:

  • When not logged in, the user will not be able to access any Bynder content; the content will only be displayed once the login has been successful.
  • If the user is already logged in on the Bynder side, the log in on Templafy's side will be seamless as the token already exists. 
  • If the user isn't already logged in on the Bynder side, the user will need to provide Bynder credentials to log in as the token cannot be found.
  • If a user has multiple Bynder accounts and needs to switch between these accounts, this can be performed by logging out and logging in again within the same browser, OR by opening a different browser (or incognito) and logging in with the desired account. 
connector connectors dam admin_role
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