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Content best practices for Word

This article explains best practices when using Templafy Library for Word.


Documents library

The Documents library is used to create documents. Examples are:

  • General: letter, memo, meeting minutes.
  • Sales: quotes, tenders, contracts.
  • HR: contracts, job descriptions, staff reviews, acceptance letters.
  • Marketing: case stories, newsletters, press releases, brochures, market reports.
  • Legal: NDAs, due diligence, data processing agreement, engagement letters.
  • Finance: financial reporting, invoices.

Text elements library

The Text elements library is used to insert pieces of content within a Word document. Examples are:

  • General: column text, graphs and tables, conclusion, highlights.
  • Corporate: about us, values/missions, company facts, quarterly results. 
  • Sales: product features, service descriptions, offer availability, terms.
  • HR: contract element, CV elements.
  • Finance: financial reporting components.

Best practices


For all documents ensure that you apply a correctly built company template, using the right logos, fonts, styles, colors, etcetera. When in doubt, please consult a solution partner.

Use Style formatting

Use Style formatting for both Documents and Text elements. Templafy Library uses the 'Use Destination Theme' default setting from Microsoft Office upon insertion. Using Style formatting will ensure that the inserted text element is using the formatting from the active document:


Name and description

When uploading to Templafy, is it recommended to give a friendly name to Documents and Text elements, so it is easily to understand by the end-user. You can add more details about the template in the Description field:


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