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Space members activity log

This article explains the space members activity log functionality, which information is available, how you can retrieve, and interpret it.


  • Space owner of the specific Space.

What is the space members activity log?

The space members activity log provides access to a downloadable CSV file that contains information about the space members activities within a given date range.

How to download the space members activity logs?

  1. Navigate to the Libraries tab of the desired Space.
  2. Click on More options.
  3. Click on Activity log.
  4. Set the time frame.
  5. Click Download.


  • The time frame is limited to 30 days at a time and is backward compatible for up to one year.

  • The activity log will be downloaded as a CSV file.

Activities logged in space members

Each logged activity will contain the date of the activity, who performed the activity, and which user group or user was affected by the activity. Most activities will also display the details of the old value versus the new value as well as the detail of the new value. Users or user groups can get access assigned or revoked for a space, and the user role can be updated (from user to owner, or from owner to user).

The log file contains the following information:

  • Date: the date on which the activity took place.
  • EntityType: the area of the activity.
    • SpaceUserAccess : specific to an individual user. 
    • SpaceUserGroupAccess: specific to group(s).
  • ChangedBy: the email address of the user who performed the action.
  • AffectedId/AffectedName: displays the Id and Name of the user or the group.
  • AffectedUserType: applies to SpaceUserAccess only.
    • Internal: the user is part of the Users tab.
    • Partner: the user is part of the Partners tab.
    • Invited: the user was invited to the tenant.
  • Action
    • Assigned: the user or the user group was added to the space.
    • Revoked: the user or user group was removed from the space. 
    • Updated: the user role has changed (from user to owner, or from owner to user).
  • Difference: displays the details of the old value versus the new value or only the detail of the new value.


The Space Members Activity Log is available per space.

activity log space
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