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How to get an overview of the smart fields created in the template

This article explains how to get an overview of the different smart fields that exist in Word or in PowerPoint. 


  • Library and at least one Dynamics modules enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed on the PC.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.


Please note that the Template tab in Template Designer is only available in Word and PowerPoint.

Overview of smart fields in Word

When working on a dynamic document, text element, or email element, it may be useful to get a full overview of the different smart fields that are present in the template. Accessing the overview of the smart fields can be achieved following these steps:

  1. Open Template Designer.
  2. Navigate to the Template tab. All smart fields are displayed in the pane:



  • Smart fields will be displayed in the order in which they appear in the template.
  • Selecting a smart field in the pane will select the related content control in the document.
  • Selecting a content control in the document will highlight the related smart field in the pane.

Overview of smart fields in PowerPoint

When working on a dynamic presentation or slide, it may be useful to get a full overview of the different smart fields that are present on the current slide. Accessing the overview of the smart fields from the current slide can be achieved following these steps:

  1. Open Template Designer.
  2. Navigate to the Template tab. All smart fields from the current slide are displayed in the pane.



  • Only smart fields that are present on the currently selected slide are displayed on the pane.


  • Smart fields will be displayed in the order in which they appear in the slide (from top right to bottom left).
  • Selecting a smart field in the pane will select the related shape in the presentation.
  • Selecting a shape in the presentation will highlight the related smart field in the pane.
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