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What is a response form?

This article explains what the response form is and what types of questions are available in the Form tab of Template Designer. 


  • Library and at least one Dynamics modules enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed on the PC.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.

The response form is a collection of questions that are attached to a smart template. The response form will be presented to the end-user when generating a document in order to provide the additional input required to create the document. Creating questions can be done through the response form available in the Form tab of Template Designer. Once the response form is created, the questions can be used through the Template tab with smart fields or through the Advanced tab with the template settings and properties

For example, when creating a letter document, the user will input the recipient information and the letter specifications:


Supported types of questions

There are several types of questions that can be added to the response form:

Type Description
Text Allows a user to type free text as input.
Date Allows a user to select a date from a calendar.
Number Allows a user to only enter numbers as input.
Dropdown Allows a user to select a data source item from a dropdown list
Flexible dropdown Allows a user to select a data source item from a dropdown list or type free text as input.
Data connector Allows a user to select an external data source item from a dropdown list
Checkbox Allows a user to answer a question by checking or unchecking a checkbox.
Header Adds a header to the response form. For example to divide questions in separate sections.
Description Adds a description to the response form.



  • Once the questions have been created, they can be reordered, edited, or deleted.
  • Once the response form has been created, it can be previewed by clicking Preview form in the Form tab.
  • A dropdown or flexible dropdown can be filtered to narrow down the results.
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