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How to add, edit, or delete terms for Corporate Terminology

Corporate Terminology is available via the Productivity tab in the Admin Center and allows controlling the language used by employees. The admin can set undesired words to either be autocorrected or be flagged to users to ensure they are using the correct wording in their correspondence. This article explains how to add, edit or delete terms for Corporate Terminology.


  • Check for PowerPoint and Corporate Terminology module enabled.
  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • Productivity add-in version 5.0.1060.0/5.1.x or above.
  • Corporate Terminology plugin version or above.
  • Templafy desktop version 3.4.65 or above.

'Prefer' and 'Avoid' terms

You can decide whether certain terms should be preferred or avoided. In order to get the full understanding of the guides below, we recommend reading the article 'What is Corporate Terminology?' explaining in more detail the two important concepts of Prefer and Avoid terms.

How to add a new term to Corporate Terminology

  1. Navigate to the Productivity tab in the Admin Center:
    Corporate Terminology New term.png
  2. Click + New term.
  3. Select Prefer or Avoid as a Correction type.
  4. In the Preferred term or Term to be avoided text field, add the term that should be preferred or avoided.
  5. Optionally, provide an explanation in the Reason (shown in Check) text field.
    The reason will be displayed to end-users when using Check in PowerPoint.
  6. For a Prefer term, check or uncheck Automatically correct these terms.
    For an Avoid term, check or uncheck Use exact capitalization from this list.
  7. For a Prefer term, provide the list of terms and spelling to be corrected.
    For an Avoid term, provide the list of alternatives:
    • List of terms and spelling to be corrected with Automatically correct these terms checked: the terms and spelling will be autocorrected in the Office application as the user types:
    • List of terms and spelling to be corrected with Automatically correct these terms unchecked: the terms and spelling will not be autocorrected in Office, but will be displayed as suggestions when using the 'Spelling and Grammar' functionality in Office applications.

    • List of alternatives and Use exact capitalization from this list checked: when running Check in PowerPoint, the alternatives will be suggested as alternatives and will be corrected exactly as written in the list:
      Corporate Terminology Avoid Exactly in the list.gif
    • List of alternatives and Use exact capitalization from this list unchecked: when running Check in PowerPoint, the alternatives will be suggested as alternatives and will be corrected following the first-letter casing used by the user:Corporate Terminology Avoid First letter casing.gif
  8. Repeat the steps above as many times as required to create all the desired Prefer or Avoid terms.
  9. Click Publish and Confirm.

How to edit an existing term

  1. Select the term that should be edited.
  2. Perform the required edits in the details panel.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Publish and Confirm.

How to delete a term

  1. Select the term that should be deleted.
  2. In the details panel, click Delete and Confirm.
  3. Click Publish and Confirm.

How to publish a term

  1. Click the Publish button in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Confirm to publish the changes:
    Corporate Terminology Publish term.png


    • Corporate terminology is not supported with Server mode.
    • The maximum length for Prefer, Avoid, and Related terms is 100 characters.
    • The maximum length for the Reason is 256 characters.
    • There is no limit to the number of terms that can be added.
    • Clicking Publish will instruct Templafy Desktop to distribute the terms to the end-user with the next Templafy Desktop update. If Publish isn't clicked, the terms will not be distributed to end-users.
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