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Troubleshooting: Uploading Files from Google Workspace to Templafy

When templates are generated from Google Workspace applications, they cannot be directly uploaded to the Templafy Admin Center. This article explains the steps to take when a presentation fails to upload as a result of it containing OpenXml schema:

Processing presentation failed Error message 

The error message you would see when uploading presentation templates, Slide layouts or Slide elements assets is as below. It reads: 

Processing presentation failed. 
Please fix the issue and reupload. OpenXmlPart with id ... was not found
(OpenXmlPart schema:, tag: slidesCustomData)

Steps to correct the presentation so that upload to the library can be successful 

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to Google Slides on You may need to sign in using a Google account.
  2. Select File > Import slides:
  3. Select the Upload tab. You will be able to either drag and drop a presentation here or browse on your device for the presentation:
  4. Select the desired slides or click the Select all slides button followed by the yellow Import slides button:  


    Once you are happy with the imported slides, delete any blank slides that are not required.

  5. Select File > Download > Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx). The .pptx file will be downloaded to your Downloads folder. There will be a generic name given to the presentation, rename as desired:
  6.  Upload this new .pptx file to the desired Templafy Library.
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