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How to sign up as a user on the Templafy Help center

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to sign up as a user on the Templafy Help center.


  • Use your Organizational email address to sign up as a user on the Templafy Help center. This will ensure your support requests are correctly routed.

Sign up as a user

  1. Navigate to the Templafy Help center.
  2. Click Sign in:
  3. Click the Sign up hyperlink at the bottom of the 'Sign in to Templafy support' window:
  4. Fill in your name and organizational email address in the 'Sign up to Templafy support' window:
  5. You will receive an automated email from Templafy support with a subject Create a password for Templafy support. Clicking on Create a password will allow you to set the password for your user account.
authentication help center
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