This article explains how to set up Microsoft Teams integration with Templafy. This is a System integration, meaning, Templafy will become available and accessible directly from the system, in this case Microsoft Teams.
How to enable Teams in Templafy using an App Connector
- In the Templafy Admin Center, access Integrations section.
- Go in Available tab.
- Find/Search for Teams.
- Click +.
- Enter the required information: Display Name.
Auto Install the Templafy Teams App for Users
To add the Templafy App to end user Teams clients, Teams admins can add it to the setup policies assigned to users.
- Go to the Microsoft Teams admin center:
- Under Teams apps, click on Setup policies, and select the desired policy.
- Under Installed apps, click on Add apps.
- Search for Templafy, and click add.
- Once the Templafy app is added to the desired policy, go to Manage apps under Teams apps.
- In the Manage apps page, search for Templafy and click on the record to open the app Overview.
- Select the Permissions tab. Here, you'll see the list of permissions and a prompt to review and grant admin consent for the required permissions. Click on the Grant admin consent link.
- On the pop up window that appears, click Accept.
- Users will then see the Templafy app has been added for them in Teams.
Add the Templafy Teams app through the Teams App Store (End-User)
If auto installing the app is not an option, end users may add Templafy to Teams themselves through the Teams App Store by following this guide.
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