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How to enable Salesforce Data Connector

This article explains how to set up Salesforce as a Data Connector. The Data Connector module must be activated before you can connect to Salesforce as a Data Integrations. Configuration is needed both in Templafy and in Salesforce.


  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • Library and data connector modules enabled.
  • Salesforce Lightning.
  • Admin rights to Salesforce tenant.

How to set up Salesforce as a Data Connector in Templafy

  1. In the Admin Center, access Integrations section.
  2. Go in Available tab.
  3. Find/Search for Salesforce.
  4. Click +.
  5. Enter the required information:
    • Display Name
    • Instance URL
    • Global username
  6. Click Save.


    The instance URL must finish with ""


    Global Username is the email address of the admin/user setting up the app and thereby setting up the request. The person entering the Global Username must be signed into Templafy with that e-mail. Checking the option to "Always use global username" will use the permissions of the Global Username account to access data. By leaving this option unchecked, Templafy will impersonate the currently signed in end-user, and use their account permissions to access data.

How to Install the Templafy App Package in Salesforce

  1. Install the Templafy Salesforce app package by clicking on the following link:
  2. Install Templafy and specify for which group Templafy should be installed:
  3. Grant access to specified third-party web sites
  4. Once installation is complete, click Done.
  5. The app should now appear under App Manager.

How to Configure the Installed Templafy App in Salesforce

  1. Under App Manager, locate the Templafy app and click Manage.
  2. Click on Edit policies.
  3. From the Permitted Users combo box select Admin approved users are pre-authorized and save changes.
  4. After changing the type of permitted users and saving the changes, under the settings of the app, a new section appears called Profiles. Click on Manage Profiles.
  5. From Application Profile Assignment select the profiles which will or should have access to the application and save the changes. Example selection could be:
    • Standard User
    • System Administrator

  6. Scroll to the section called Custom Attributes, and click New.
  7. Enter Attribute key: allowed_templafy_tenants.
  8. Enter Attribute value: '<yourTemplafytenantID>'

    • Replace 'tenantid' with the subdomain of your Templafy URL.
      If your URL is, then your tenant id would be 'companyname'.
      Note: make sure to enclose the tenant Id in single quotes (' ').
    • If you’d like to connect your Salesforce app to multiple Templafy tenants, this can be done by separating tenant ids with space characters within the single quotes. For example: 'tenantIdOne tenantIdTwo'.
  9. Save the changes. You should now see the new attribute appear in the Custom Attributes section of the Templafy App.


    Once the data connector has been set up, you can navigate to the Resources to add the relevant external data sources.


Digital asset management Microsoft Teams custom integrations custom data connector admin_role
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