About this article
This article will explain how Validator behaves with Dynamics Compile, Templates, and Metadata.
Validator and Dynamics Compile
Validator is compatible with dynamic slide insertion and should be enabled on the static slides to be inserted from the Slides library. Validator cannot be enabled on the placeholder slides in the Presentations library.
Validator and Dynamic Templates
Dynamic templates are built into the layout of slides, whilst Validator caters to the slide content. Therefore, Validator cannot be enabled on slides with Dynamic elements. It is, however, possible to enable Validator in a presentation using Dynamic template elements, if the slide layout of the specific slide does not contain Dynamic elements.
For Dynamic slides the checkbox will be greyed out, and cannot be clicked.
Validator and Metadata
Metadata are usually set in document properties and are not part of the slide content. Therefore, Validator does not apply to Metadata. Metadata are either set:
- Statically – fixed data upon document creation.
- Dynamically – the metadata is dependent on specific document or user profile forms.
As Static metadata is created in a fixed manner, it cannot be updated on existing documents. Dynamic metadata can be updated with Updater.
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