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How to insert custom text bindings

This article explains how to insert custom text binding through smart fields so it can populate the dynamic document.


  • Library and at least one Dynamics modules enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed on the PC.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.


Please note that the Template tab is only available in Word and PowerPoint. Inserting information into a Spreadsheet for Excel can be done through the Header Footer in the Advanced tab.

When building a smart template, use the Custom text binding smart field to achieve specific use cases that require more complex text bindings. The Custom text binding smart field requires a good understanding of the binding syntax as well as conditions, functions and operators. Through this smart field text can be inserted. Follow these steps to create a Custom text binding smart field: 

  1. In Template Designer, navigate to the Template tab.
  2. Select the location where the smart field should be inserted.
    Word PowerPoint
    Type and select a placeholder text.
  3. Click Add smart field.
    This step doesn't apply if you are adding the very first smart field in the template. 
  4. Click Custom text binding.
    Word PowerPoint
  5. Optionally, edit the Display name.
    The display name will be displayed in the Template tab once the smart field has been added.
  6. Insert the desired binding.
    Inserting the user name, job position, and email address using " | " as a separator. The binding is:

    {{StringJoin(" | ", UserProfile.Name, UserProfile.JobTitle, UserProfile.EmailAddress)}}

    Word PowerPoint
  7. Optionally, perform additional actions on the smart fields: 
  8. Click Add to template.
    The smart field will be injected into the template and will be displayed in the Template tab:
    Word PowerPoint


conditions tech_role
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