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Technical Clarification for Corporate Terminology

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In this article we sum up the most relevant technicalities of Corporate Terminology.


  • Admin or owner access to Templafy tenant
  • Check and Corporate terminology modules enabled 
  • Productivity add-in version 5.0.1060.0/5.1.x or above 
  • Corporate terminology plugin version or above
  • Templafy desktop version 3.4.65 or above
  • Office 2016 version 16.0.11629 (or later)
  • Word must be installed on the PC
    (Templafy Desktop needs to create an instance of Word in order to add terms to autocorrect)


  • Corporate terminology is not supported with Server mode.


Where will Corporate Terminology take effect?

Corporate Terminology utilizes the Microsoft Office dictionary and Auto-correct. This means that it will take effect in all the Office applications that use the Microsoft Office dictionary, and Auto-correct today, being:

  • Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and OneNote

How are the dictionary and Auto-correct updated?

Clicking publish in the admin will trigger Templafy Desktop to add/edit/delete these words with the next Templafy Desktop update performed on the end-user’s PC through Corporate Terminology plugin. NB.: The automatic update in Templafy Desktop only happens ones every 24 hours, so it might take this long before end users experience the changes.


​What will be added to user’s computer with Corporate Terminology?

Templafy folders

  • Check requirements: A corporate-terminology.json file will be added under the \AppData\Local\Templafy\SlideProof folder.
  • Microsoft Office Dictionary and Microsoft Auto-correct requirements: A corporate-terminology.json and corporate-terminology-languages.json files will be added under the \AppData\Local\Templafy\AddIns\CorporateTerminology folder.
  • Plugin requirements: under the \AppData\Local\Templafy\AddIns\CorporateTerminology folder a TemplafyDesktopPlugins folder will be created gathering all the necessary dll files.

Office Folders

  • Office Dictionary: CUSTOM.DIC will be created (or modified if already existing) in  \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UProof to inject the Prefer terms.
    NB.: CUSTOM.DIC is a global dictionary that serves all languages.
  • Autocorrect: .alc files will be created (or modified if already existing) in  \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office to inject the required terms to autocorrect.
  • Nothing is being deleted when we are editing or adding words, however if a word existing in the dictionary prior to Corporate Terminology has been used through Corporate Terminology, the word will be removed if the module is being disabled (along with all Corporate terminology related Templafy files and folders).


Troubleshooting tips

  • Tips if terms are still underlined in Office or aren’t being autocorrected:
    • Make sure to restart Word (if Word was opened during the update, the words are still in transition to be added to the dictionary and autocorrect)
    • Delete the corporate-terminology.jsonfile in the \AppData\Local\Templafy\AddIns\CorporateTerminology folder


Validation warnings and Errors

In the Admin Center, some warnings will be displayed if the words being added might conflict with one another. Please find below the difference validation performed upon adding words in Corporate Terminology in the Admin Center.


Validation for main terms

Type Main term already exists as related term in prefer Main term already exists as related term in avoid Duplicated main term No main terms
Prefer Error, since the rule you are creating, will conflict with the other rule (be each others opposite).

Message in UI: This term already exists as a related term in 'main term'.
No error Error, since we need only one source of truth. Error, since we need something to correct.
Avoid Warning, since Check will show two. Error, since the rule you are creating, will conflict with the other rule (be each others opposite).

Message in UI: This term already exists as a related term in 'main term'.
Error, since we need only one source of truth. Error, since we need something to correct.



Validation for related terms

Type Related term already exists as related term of an Avoid term Related term already exists as related term of a Preferred term Related term already exists as main term in prefer Related term already exists as main term in avoid More related terms of the same spelling (only capitalization difference) No related term
Prefer Error, since one rule will trigger the other rule. The admin needs to be consistent in what he/she wants to be the correct term.

Message in UI: The related term 'related term' already exists as a related term to the avoid term, 'main term'.
Error, since the related terms are the ones being corrected, and we cannot have two correct answers

Message in UI: The related term 'related term' already exists as a related term to the preferred term, 'main term'. 
Error, since the rule you are creating, will conflict with the other rule (be each others opposite).

Message in UI: The related term 'related term' already exists as a preferred term.
Warning, since it will cause Check for PowerPoint to have two warnings.

Message in UI:
One or more related terms already exist as an avoid term, Check for PowerPoint will produce two warnings.
Warning, but only when Autocorrect is enabled, since there is no need to add more versions of the same term - Auto-Correct will fix it out of the box. No error, since it should be able to appear in the dictionary, without necessarily having a related term to correct.
Avoid No error, since the related terms are just suggestions, and the same suggestion can apply to several main terms Error, since one rule will trigger the other rule. The admin needs to be consistent in what he/she wants to be the correct term.

Message in UI: The related term 'related term' already exists as a related term to the preferred term, 'main term'.
No error, since the related terms are just suggestions for alternatives and can easily be a term you also prefer. Error, since the rule you are creating, will conflict with the other rule (be each others opposite).

Message in UI: The related term 'related term' already exists an avoid term.
No error, since Avoid only works in Check for PowerPoint, and here we don't have a technical constraint and therefore can have as many suggested alternatives as the admin finds relevant. No error, since Check for PowerPoint can still provide value by pointing out that the term should be avoided, without giving an alternative.



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