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How User Profile Changes Affect End-Users

This article details how changes to User Profile fields are communicated to and affect end-users use of Templafy add-ins.


Required Fields

The following notifications are shown when a new, required field is created or if an existing field becomes required in the User Profile.


A user will not be able to access any blank presentation or template until the User Profile is completed.


Accessing the Content Library via the VSTO Add-in, Web Add-in, and Web App all show the same dialogues as shown above.

Email Signature Web Add-in

When opening the email signature task pane, a user will be prompted with the below disclaimer. Updated signatures cannot be utilized until the User Profile is completed.

Email Signature VSTO Add-in

When opening Outlook on PC, a dialogue will notify users that default signatures have been updated and to restart Outlook. Upon clicking on the Edit Email Signatures button, a preview (and usage) of the email signature will not be available until the User Profile is completed.

New Fields

When a new, unrequired field is added to the User Profile, there is no effect on the usability of Templafy add-ins. Users will be notified of the new field only when making changes to their User Profile.

User Profile library language hive admin_role
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