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Editing the header of a User Profile

This article explains how to edit the header of a User Profile. The header is the abbreviated information/summary that a user sees when accessing their User Profile.


How to edit the User Profile header

  1. Access the Admin Center.
  2. Click the Users section and then navigate to the User Profile tab.
  3. Click Edit form.
  4. Hover over the header in the User Profile preview and click Edit.
  5. Modify the Profile name and Profile summary.
  6. Click Save field.
  7. Click Publish.

Profile name and Profile summary

In order to populate the information in Profile name and Profile summary, you must create User Profile fields first. Then, you can reference the field via binding syntax:

  • Textbox - {{UserProfile.FormFieldName}} 
  • Dropdown - {{UserProfile.FormFieldName.DataSourceColumnName}}


I have created two different fields in my User Profile: Name, and Job title. I would like to set up the following behavior for the User Profile header: 

  • Profile name should display Name
  • Profile summary should display Job title
  1. Look up the name of the form fields Name and Job title. In our example Name is Name and Job title is Title.
  2. In the User Profile header, you will need to enter:
    • {{UserProfile.Name}} in Profile name.
    • {{UserProfile.Title}} in Profile summary.
  3. Profile name and Profile summary will be displayed to the end-users ad indicated below:


Is it possible to combine several fields in the header of the User Profile?

Yes. In order to combine several fields in the header of the User Profile, you can simply add several bindings in the Profile name and Profile summary.

hive user profile header computed fields
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