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How to edit the Agenda layout of ProductivityPlus

The Agenda feature from Templafy ProductivityPlus enables you to create an automated structure within your presentations. With this tool, you will be able to create two different levels of sections and add different options (like responsible person, duration, time-slot).


How to create and edit an Agenda design working with ProductivityPlus

By default, if there is no Agenda design in the presentation, clicking on the Agenda icon will create one for you. We recommend doing this in order to modify its design as it is easier to edit what exists than to create everything from scratch.

How to access and modify the Agenda design

In order to access the edit mode of the Agenda design, a design needs to be existing in the presentation (see above how to create a default design).

  1. Go in the Slide Master view.
  2. Go on an Agenda slide (slides are usually called 'SP TOC' or 'SP Divider' and located at the end of the Master). You can see the name of a layout by hovering it:
  3. Select Edit Agenda Layout in the Agenda dropdown menu:

Design Agenda slide layouts

For the Agenda feature to work as expected, we need specific slide layout(s) in the Slide Master that will instruct the tool to use the design of that layout.

The specific slides required can be:

  1. Same design for the Table of content and the divider slides (“Workshop” Agenda): the required slide layout is SP TOC.
  2. One design for the Table of content and one design for the divider slides: the required slide layouts are SP TOC and SP Divider.
  3. One design for the Table of content and several designs for the divider slides: the required slide layouts are SP TOC, SP Divider 1, SP Divider 2, etcetera. This option is less recommended as it will make your presentation heavier by creating new layouts in the Slide Master.


Creating a default Agenda as mentioned above by clicking on the Agenda icon will create scenario 2, adding slide layouts TOC and SP Divider.

Relevant groups on Agenda slide layouts

Now that we have the slide layouts created, we need to ensure that the relevant groups are set up as well.

For SP TOC, the following groups are expected:

  • SP Agenda Section.
  • SP Agenda Section Highlight.
  • SP Agenda Subsection.
  • SP Agenda Subsection Highlight.


For SP Divider, the following groups are expected:

  • SP Agenda Section.
  • SP Agenda Subsection.


Tags inside groups on Agenda slide layouts

All groups should contain the following tags to work with all the Agenda options:

  • Section title: <TEXT> This tag is mandatory in each and every group/agenda slide in order for the feature to work.
  • Section number:
    • <N> for Arabic number 1, 2, 3 (Default).
    • <R> for Roman numeral I, II, III.
    • <RL> for lower-case Roman numeral i, ii, iii.
    • <A> for alphabetic characters A, B, C.
    • <AL> for lower-case Alphabetic character.
  • Responsible person: <RESPONSIBLE>.
  • Time-slot: <TIMESLOT>.
  • Duration: <DURATION>.
  • Slide number: <P>.


If an option (tag) is not set up in only one of the required groups, an error message will pop up on your screen. If an option needs to be usable by the end-user, it needs to be set in each and every group/agenda slide.


All these tags will be automatically created when creating the default Agenda as mentioned above.

How to edit the Agenda design

Basic design changes

  1. Go in the Slide Master view.
  2. Select one of the Agenda layouts.
  3. Click on Edit Agenda Layout in the Agenda dropdown menu.
  4. Make the desired edits (font, size, alignment, color, etcetera).
  5. Click on Update Agenda in the Agenda dropdown menu.


When modifying the Agenda design, we highly recommend using the selection pane. This will help to ensure that you are adding/editing/deleting all the necessary tags from the groups and slides (some elements might be on the slide but no visible, e.g. a tag set to “no font” on a divider slide).


  • If there is no Agenda design in your Slide Master, go back to the Normal view, press the Agenda icon to create new layouts and go back to the Slide Master view. 
  • If you have multiple Slide Masters, it is important that the Agenda master slides are in the first Slide Master in the presentation. If they are in the second, the Agenda functionality will not work!

Advanced design changes - Group-specific design

"I would like to have a rectangle showing up when my users are creating sections, but not when they create subsections."

In general, whatever item is part of one of the Agenda groups will show up when that group is called. This means that if you add a rectangle to the group SP Agenda Section, it will show up as soon as you create a section.

  1. Go in the Slide Master view.
  2. Go on an Agenda slide (SP TOC or SP Divider).
  3. Select Edit Agenda Layout in the Agenda dropdown menu.
  4. Ungroup the required group.
  5. Create and design the rectangle.
  6. Select the rectangle and the elements you ungrouped in step 4.
  7. Group all these items together.
  8. Rename the group to the correct group name.
  9. Click on Update Agenda in the Agenda dropdown menu to get back to Normal view.

Advanced design changes - Limit the display of an option

“On my divider slides, I do not want to see the responsible person option. However, I would like to have it displayed on the table of content.”

As we mentioned previously, for an option to work, the tag must be set in each and every group and Agenda slides. In general, to make an option invisible on one layout, the tag needs to be set to “no font”.


  1. Go in the Slide Master view.
  2. Go on an Agenda slide (SP Divider).
  3. Select Edit Agenda Layout in the Agenda dropdown menu.
  4. Set to 'no font' the tag <RESPONSIBLE> from all groups on SP Divider slide layouts(s).
  5. Click on Update Agenda in the Agenda dropdown menu to get back to Normal view.

Advanced design changes - Deactivate an option from the Agenda

“I do not want my users to be able to add a responsible person on the Agenda.”

In general, to disable an option (or more than one option) from the Agenda - to have it “grayed out” - the relevant tag(s) needs to be deleted from all the agenda groups and slides.

  1. In the Normal view.
  2. Open the Agenda pane and untick the options that you would like to delete.
  3. Update the Agenda.
  4. Go in the Slide Master view.
  5. Go on an Agenda slide (SP TOC or SP Divider).
  6. Select Edit Agenda Layout in the Agenda dropdown menu.
  7. Remove the tag <RESPONSIBLE> from all groups and agenda slides.
  8. Click on Update Agenda in the Agenda dropdown menu to get back to Normal view.
  9. Hit Update Agenda to reflect the changes.



  • The Agenda feature does not support column designs.
  • The Agenda options can only be displayed on the Agenda slides.
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