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How to edit the design of the footnotes from the tools pane

This article explains how to edit the design of the footnotes available in the tools pane with ProductivityPlus.  


  • ProductivityPlus module enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed on the PC.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.

The steps to modify the design of the footnotes are:

  1. Open the template/presentation where the change of design is required.
  2. Open the Slide Master view.
  3. Go in the Slide Master (very first slide in the Slide Master view).
  4. Create a shape and customize its layout, font, position, size, alignment, etcetera.
  5. To edit the type of footnote, type one of the following options in the created shape:
    • (n) for Arabic number 1, 2, 3.
    • (r) for Roman numeral I, II, III.
    • (rl) for lower-case Roman numeral i, ii, iii.
    • (a) for alphabetic character A, B, C.
    • (al) for lower-case Alphabetic character (Default).
  6. Open the Selection Pane.
  7. Rename the shape to Footnote [Placeholder].
  8. Hide the shape by clicking on the eye icon in the selection pane.
  9. Close the Slide Master view.
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