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Inviting Partners

This article explains the Partners tab within the Users section of the Admin center.


Manual Partner Access

By default, all partners have to request access to a tenant, or an owner can add them manually.

Approve an Access Request

  1. Navigate to the Partners tab in the Users section of the Admin center.
  2. Click on the Pending partner and select Approve.
  3. Edit the partners access if desired.

Manually add a Partner

  1. Navigate to the Partners tab in the Users section of the Admin center.
  2. Click Add partners
  3. Add the desired email addresses
  4. Select the role
  5. Adjust the Expiration date
    • When the set date has expired, the partner will no longer have access to the tenant and the status will be set to Revoked
  6. Assign access to selected libraries
  7. Click Grant access


Only a tenant owner can provide owner rights.

Revoke Partner Access

  1. Navigate to the Partners tab in the Users section of the Admin center.
  2. Click on a specific partner and click Edit access in the side pane.
  3. Click Revoke access.


  • Revoked partners can be shown/hidden using the toggle in the top right.
  • A revoked partner can be reassigned access by updating the Expiration date to a time in the future.

Automatic Partner Access

The Enable partner access feature can automatically grant partners access to a tenant for a specified time period.

  1. Navigate to the Security tab in the Account section of the Admin center.
  2. Click Edit under the Enable partner access feature.
  3. Toggle the checkbox and set a Duration.


  • If the setting is turned off, all partners who gained instant access to the tenant will lose access.
    • If a partner still needs access to the tenant after the setting is disabled, a tenant owner can manually adjust the expiration date for that partner in the Partners tab.
  • Unauthorized partners (non-Templafy employees or non-Solution Partners) will always need to be granted manual access regardless of the setting.
  • During a tenant's implementation, the setting will be turned on by default. Once the tenant goes live, it will be turned off automatically.
user group AD revoke access admin_role
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