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External Groups

This article explains the External Groups tab in the Users section of the Admin center.


  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • Single Sign-On configured in the Templafy tenant.


The External Groups tab contains a list of all Active Directory Groups that users in the Templafy tenant are members of. The tab includes the following details:

  • The External ID of the AD Group (Object ID in Microsoft Entra ID)
  • The AD Group's user friendly name
  • The number of Templafy users in the AD Group
  • The last login of a user in that group


The data within the External Groups tab is only updated once daily. To get a real-time picture of the Number of users within an External Group, create a User Group with filtering criteria of that External Group. The count of a User Group is calculated within minutes upon group creation, criteria change, or user claim updates.


The Number of users of an External Group in Templafy may not be indicative of the total number of users of an AD Group.

  • Example: AD contains Groups 'US-Sales' and 'Sales'; 'US-Sales' has 100 members (who are also part of the 'Sales' AD Group), and 'Sales' has 500 members total. If only the 'US-Sales' AD group is assigned to Templafy, the 'Sales' External Group in Templafy will show 100 users.

Deleting an External Group

In order to delete an External Group, search for the group and click on it. Then press Delete in the top right corner.

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