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Templafy Library in Excel

About this article

In the article, we will explain how the Templafy Library works in Excel. 



  • Library module enabled


How to use the Library in Excel

Creating a new spreadsheet

  1. Open Excel
  2. Select the desired option in the Home tab
    • Create blank spreadsheet (highlighted in red): will open the blank spreadsheet set by your administrator
    • Compose a new TenantName spreadsheet (highlighted in green) : will open the template creation flow which will allow you to find all spreadsheets uploaded by your administrator in the Spreadsheets library



  • The option to start the template creation flow from the home tab is only available within the Templafy VSTO add-in


Users also have the option to create a blank spreadsheet or open the template creation flow inside Excel via the Blank Spreadsheet and Find template buttons in their ribbon. 


Lastly, it is also possible to create a new spreadsheet from the Library pane by clicking on Find template




Inserting assets 

  1. Click on the Templafy icon in the Home tab or in the Templafy tab
  2. The Excel Library is opened with the different assets, made available by your Templafy administrator(s)
  3. Click on an image to insert it 
dark.svg Images: insert an image in your selected cell
- DAM Integrations: insert an image from an external DAM in your selected cell


  • The image will be inserted where the cell is selected



  • Create a spreadsheet with "Compose a TenantName spreadsheet"




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