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Date and time formats

Date and time formats are used in combination with BCP 47 language tags to determine how dates and times are outputted from the date and time function. The supported formats are Microsoft's standards for .NET and can be seen on their support site here.

Below is a table of commonly used date formats with 3 different language tags and the date 20 January 2021 which is a Wednesday:

Language Format Output
en-US dddd d/M Wednesday 20/1
en-US d 1/20/2021
en-US D Wednesday, January 20, 2021
en-US d. MMMM yyyy 20. January 2021
en-US MMMM d, yyyy January 20, 2021
en-US d MMMM yyyy 20 January 2021
en-US dddd d/M Wednesday 20/1
en-US MMMM-yyyy January-2021
en-US yyyy 2021
fr-FR dddd d/M mercredi 20/1
fr-FR d 20/01/2021
fr-FR D mercredi 20 janvier 2021
fr-FR d. MMMM yyyy 20. janvier 2021
fr-FR MMMM d, yyyy janvier 20, 2021
fr-FR d MMMM yyyy 20 janvier 2021
fr-FR dddd d/M mercredi 20/1
fr-FR  MMMM-yyyy janvier-2021
fr-FR yyyy 2021
de-DE dddd d/M Mittwoch 20.1
de-DE d 20.01.2021
de-DE D Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2021
de-DE d. MMMM yyyy 20. Januar 2021
de-DE MMMM d, yyyy Januar 20, 2021
de-DE d MMMM yyyy 20 Januar 2021
de-DE dddd d/M Mittwoch 20.1
de-DE  MMMM-yyyy Januar-2021
de-DE yyyy 2021

Below is a table of commonly used time formats:

Format Output (Time = 9:05:24 AM) Output (Time = 2:05:24 PM)
hh:mm 09:05 02:05
hh:mm tt 09:05 AM 02:05 PM
hh:mm:ss 09:05:24 02:05:24
h:mm:ss 9:05:24 2:05:24
HH:mm:ss 09:05:24 14:05:24
HHmmss 090524 140524
hh:mm:ss.fff 09:05:24.123 02:05:24.123


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