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How to upload images to data sources

This article explains how to upload images to data sources, that can then be linked to when configuring image bindings.



  • Supported image formats:
    • jpeg.
    • jpg.
    • png.
    • gif.
    • emf (previews not supported due to browser limitations, file not validated on upload).
  • The above image formats should not exceed 2MB to be uploaded to data sources.

How to upload images to data sources

  1. Navigate to the Resources tab in your tenant's Admin Center.
  2. Go to Data Sources:
  3. Click on a data source, in the example below it's called "Name".
  4. Click on Schema tab.
  5. Click on + Add field.
  6. Make sure to select "Image" as the field Type.
  7. Click on Add:
  8. In the example below, the schema field is named Image, and shows up under added schema fields.
  9. Click on Open data source:
  10. The schema field "Image" has been added to the data source "Name" and to edit this, you can click on the ellipsis menu and select Edit:

  11. From here you can upload an image:
  12. The logo will show in your "Image" column in your data source:
data source hive image binding upload image datasources Resource
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