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How to preview the references of a data source or data source item

About this article

In this article, we will explain how to preview the references of a data source or a data source item. Data sources can reference one another to reutilize the items present in one data source into another data source. 



  • Admin access to Templafy tenant in Hive
  • Email Signature or Library module enabled


How to preview the references of a data source 


  1. In the Resources tab of the Admin Center
  2. Select the desired data source 
  3. Click on the ellipsis menu
  4. Click View references




How to preview the references of a data source item


  1. In the Resources tab of the Admin Center
  2. Navigate to the data source containing the desired item
  3. Click Open data source
  4. Select the desired item
  5. Click on the ellipsis menu
  6. click View references



Users reference


Users reference means that the data source or the data source item is currently being utilized by users in their user profiles. You will be able to preview the number of times this specific item is being used in user profiles. 


Example: Countries data source contains the data source item Denmark and it's being utilized as a dropdown in the user profile. Viewing the references will allow you to see how many times this option was picked in the user profile dropdown.


Email signature reference


Email Signatures reference means that the data source or the data source item is utilized inside an email signature component as a direct link using the DataSource[] function. This is generally used for images and logos. 


Example: My Campaigns data source contains an image item called NewYearCampaign and in Email Signature, the image is directly referenced inside the HTML of a bottom campaign with {{DataSources.Campaigns["NewYearCampaign"].CampaignImage}}


Resources references



Data source or data source items can be referenced to other data sources in two ways, either as a reference or as a data source reference

Reference means that this data source item is being used inside another data source. You will be able to preview the number of times this specific item is being used in other resources. 


Example: Countries data source contains the data source item "Denmark" and it's being utilized as a reference in another data source called "Departments"

  • Departments (5 references) means that 5 items from the Departments data source are referencing Denmark
  • Departments (1 data source reference) means that Denmark is being utilized as a default value in the schema field of the Departments data source. 

Libraries references



Libraries reference means that the data source is currently being utilized by templates or assets in the Libraries. You will be able to preview the number of times this specific data source is being used in templates or assets. 



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