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Email Signature Server version upgrade

About this article

This article will guide the Administrator in upgrading the Email Signature Server container image version deployed to the Kubernetes cluster. This is an in-place upgrade of each Email Signature Server pod by the Kubernetes system using the new image version specified. This process does not cause downtime and can be done at any time.


  • Global Administrator rights to the subscription that contains the Email Signature Server Kubernetes cluster.


Navigate to the Kubernetes resources deployment

  1. Navigate to the Resource group containing the templafyemailsignatureserver Kubernetes service
  2. Select the Workloads under the Kubernetes resources  section of the left hand panel
  3. Click the email-signature-server-deployment  in the main panel on the right blobid0.png


Update the container image version

In the deployment the environment variable containers has the property image set to the version of the Email Signature Server being used.

  1. Select the YAML item in the left hand pane of the email-signature-server-deployment Overview
  2. Select the JSON tab of the main panel
  3. Under the spec section, find the containers JSON section, and update the value of the image property to the new version


  4. Click the [Review + Save] button

  5. Check the "Confirm manifest changes" checkbox

  6. Click the [Save] button



Verify and monitor upgraded pods

Select the Overview section in the left hand pane. Toward the bottom of the page, in the right hand pane, you will see the list of pods for the deployment and along with their status.

  • Pods that have the old deployment configuration will have the status Terminating
  • Pods with the new deployment configuration, and upgraded Email Signature Server version in this case, will have the status ContainerCreating
  • When all the new pods listed have the status Running then the cluster is fully upgraded to the given version of the Email Signature Server
  • You can now send some e-mails and verify that the Email Signature Server is appending signatures as expected




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