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How to set up multiple authentication methods

This article explains how to set up Multiple Authentication methods for a tenant. This will allow end-users to select the method they should authenticate with.


  • Admin/owner access to the Templafy tenant.
  • Multiple Authentication Methods module enabled


After the Multiple Authentication Methods module has been enabled, you will be instructed to give the existing method a Login button name that is recognizable for the end-users to identify as their authentication method.

  1. Click Edit details
  2. Provide a Login button name
  3. Click Save


Adding additional authentication methods

After the existing authentication method has been given a user-friendly login button name, it is possible to add new authentication method.

  1. Click on Add authentication method
  2. Type in the name of the Authentication method id
  3. Type in the name of the Login button name
  4. Choose the desired authentication method type
  5. Set up the chosen authentication method type
  6. Confirm the validity of the information
  7. Click Save


  • An admin/owner cannot edit their own authentication method except for the Login button name.
  • An admin/owner cannot delete an authentication method that is in use.
  • A user is permitted to use only one authentication method.
  • Changing the authentication method type of an existing authentication method does not require user deletion for the change to come into effect.

Templafy Desktop and multiple authentication methods

The first time an end-user logs into Templafy Desktop, they will be met with the screen where they will be asked to select their authentication method. When the end-user logs into Templafy Desktop successfully, the application will try to reauthenticate using the previously selected authentication method. This process, whereby the step of choosing an authentication method is skipped based on the end-user, is repeated until the end-user manually logs out of the desktop application.

Having an end-user select an authentication method can be avoided altogether by deploying Templafy with the AuthenticationMethod parameter.

MSIEXEC /i TemplafyDesktop.[tenant].msi AUTHENTICATIONMETHOD="AuthenticationMethodId" ALLUSERS="1"


If Templafy Desktop has already been deployed to the end-users' machines without the AuthenticationMethod parameter, a registry key can be distributed or created manually. 



Templafy Web App, Web Add-ins, and Connectors with multiple authentication methods

In a browser, Templafy will remember the selection of the authentication method by the end-user until the cookie expires or the cache/cookies have been cleared. When the token expires, end-users will be prompted to select their login method again.

It is also possible to target a specific authentication method in the browser with the following URL:<AuthenticationMethodID>&returnUrl=
SSO authentication sso setup multiple authentication
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