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How to set a custom document property in the metadata of a template

About this article

This article will explain what the custom document properties are and provide examples of how they can be used with the binding syntax in smart templates.  





What are custom document properties? 

Custom document properties are data that sit on top of the document, they are also known as metadata. Custom document properties are often used for archiving purposes in Document Management Systems (DMS) such as SharePoint. These values can be set statically using plain text or dynamically using the binding syntax. Custom document properties can be used to create properties that aren't covered by the standard document properties. Often, this would be specialized metadata that is needed for a DMS system such as versioning, randomized ID numbers, etc..

In Office c
ustom document properties will be added under File > Info > Properties > Advanced Properties > Custom.


  • Custom document properties are only supported with files that are stored in Template Libraries (Documents, Presentations and Spreadsheets).
  • Assets (Text elements*, Email elements, Slides and Slide elements) will inherit custom document properties from the Document, Presentation or Spreadsheet upon insertion.

    * Only when a text element is opened directly from the WebApp (as if it were a document) then a configured custom document property will work.


How to set a custom document property in a smart template

When building the template settings and properties, the Custom Document Property can be used for custom properties for the smart template. Setting the Custom Document Property can be achieved by following these steps: 

  1. In the Template Designer, navigate to the Advanced tab.

  2. Click + Add property.

  3. Select Custom Document Property in the Type dropdown.

  4. Enter the desired property name in Property Name, for example 'Classification'.

  5. Enter a static value or the required binding in Property Value, for example {{Form.Classification.Name}}.

  6. Click Add to document.



  • Once the property has been created, it can be edited or deleted.
  • The maximum number of characters that can be saved to a custom document property is 255 (this is a Microsoft Office limitation).


Custom document properties examples

Example 1

Using Custom Document Property to always use 'Draft' (without quotes) as the Stage  property.

Binding Draft
Output Stage property = "Draft"


Example 2

Using Custom Document Property to set the Classification property of the template based on the 'Classification' dropdown question originating from the response form.

Binding {{Form.Classification.Name}}
Input Form.Classification.Name = "Internal" Form.Classification.Name = "External"
Output Classification property = "Internal" Classification property = "External"


Example 3

Using Custom Document Property to set the Location property of the template based on the 'Location' field originating from the user profile.

Binding {{UserProfile.Location}}
Input Location = "Copenhagen" Location = "Berlin"
Output Location property = "Copenhagen" Location property = "Berlin"


Example 4

Using Custom Document Property to save the name of the template as TemplateName property.
This shows which template was used to create the document (in the example the 'Memo' template):

Binding Templafy 'Memo' template
Output TemplateName property = "Templafy 'Memo' template"





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