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How to set the proofing language of a template

This article explains what the proofing language setting is and provide examples of how it can be used with the binding syntax in smart templates.


  • Library and at least one Dynamics module enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.

What is the proofing language setting?

The proofing language sets the language for the Spelling and Grammar review feature from Office. The proofing language can be set statically, or dynamically using the binding syntax.


  • The proofing language setting is only supported with templates that are stored in the Libraries (Documents and Presentations Libraries).
  • Assets (Text elements, Email elements, Slides, and Slide elements Libraries) inherit custom document properties from the document, presentation or spreadsheet upon insertion.
  • The proofing language setting is not available in Excel.

Limitations in PowerPoint

These are the known limitations in PowerPoint:

  • By default in PowerPoint it is not possible to set the proofing language for an entire presentation. What is possible is to set it for the elements (shapes) in the presentation.
    To do this, select a shape, then on the Review tab click LanguageSet Proofing Language.... In the Language dialog select the language you want to use for the shape and click OK:

    However there's a solution to the limitation mentioned above when the proofing language in Templafy is set to {{DocumentLanguage}} or {{UserProfile.DocumentLanguage.Language}}: the user can click Update Presentation after a presentation has been created, because that flow is able to set the proofing language for the entire presentation.
  • When a blank presentation (uploaded to Library configuration) uses a binding like {{DocumentLanguage}} or {{UserProfile.DocumentLanguage.Language}} for the proofing language then this is the behavior: when the blank presentation is started, the proofing language for example is en-US. If you click Update Presentation and select another User Profile that has the language set to nl-NL, then not only the proofing language of current presentation becomes nl-NL, but also of new presentations that are created. This is because the blank presentation is cached during your usage. So even after restarting PowerPoint, the proofing language remains nl-NL. If you want it to be en-US again, you have to click Update Presentation and change the (User Profile) language to en-US.

How to set the proofing language in a smart template

When building the template settings and properties, the Proofing Language can be used to set the language for the smart template, following the steps below:

  1. In Template Designer, open the Advanced tab.
  2. Click + Add property.
  3. In the Type field select Proofing Language.
  4. In Language enter a static value (plain text without quotes, like en-US) if the language should always be the same, or a binding like {{DocumentLanguage}} if the language should be dynamic:
  5. Optional: enable Disable Updates if you don't want to language to be updated when the document content updater is used.
  6. Click Add to document.

Proofing language examples

Example 1

Using Proofing Language to always set the proofing language of the document to English (United States).

Binding Output
en-US Proofing language = English (United States)


  • Use the value en-US without quotes. Using "en-US" is not supported, unless it's part of a binding like{{IfElse(Equals(Form.Language, "French"), "fr-FR", "en-US")}}.
  • Only 4 letter codes like en-US or fr-FR are supported, 2 letter codes like en or fr are not supported.

Example 2

Using Proofing Language to set the proofing language of the document based on the DocumentLanguage field originating from the User Profile.

Binding Input Output
{{DocumentLanguage}} DocumentLanguage = "de-DE" Proofing language = German (Germany)
  DocumentLanguage = "da-DK" Proofing language = Danish (Denmark)


  • A binding like {{UserProfile.DocumentLanguage.Language}} can also be used.
  • Only referring to the Language column of the Languages data source is supported. Referring to the Name column is not supported, this means a binding like {{UserProfile.DocumentLanguage.Name}} will not work.

Example 3

Using Proofing Language to set the proofing language of the document based on the 'Language' dropdown question originating from the response form.

Binding Input Output
{{Form.Language.Language}} Form.Language.Language = "en-US" Proofing language = English (United States)
  Form.Language.Language = "nl-NL" Proofing language = Dutch (Netherlands)
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